Finding Ones Self: Liam's Point of View

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Shes beautiful.  I say to myself walking besides Ammie.  

I mean I just meet her in all but still shes really pretty.  

What can I do more?  I just told her i liked her but did I let go of her face to soon?

She seemed intrested but what do I know?

Ok, just....walk closer.....yea thats good.  

So wheres the hotel?  I asked Brittnay letting Ammie know that im right beside her.

Oh my god Liam you scared me....Ammie said startled.

Did I scare her away?  I say to myself worried.

No no, shes blushing.

Its over here!  Brittany said pointing to a ten story hotel located accros the street from where we were.

Well lets go then.  Ammie says walking accros the street.

Be careful....I say to my self.

NO!!! I yell seeing a idiot flying past us.

*Looks at the car making it freeze*

RUN AMMIE RUN!!  I yell at Ammie to run accros the street..

I un-freeze the car when Ammie hits the sidewalk.

As I lose my breath I look down. 

What did I just do? I have never been able to do that in my life!  So my dream was right.

*Flash back to dream*

Were am I? 

*Hears laughing and sees a dark shadow run across a wall.*

Whos there?  Show yourself. I demand looking at the dark figure moveing towards me.

Well the main question is who are you? The figure says replying to my question.

Im Liam Case Mob.  How did I get here?

The figures eyes open up.  There my eyes.  I freeze, I cant move.

I  am you Liam.  The figure says. Then adds.

You already know your a vampire.  But you dont know your future.  You will be with two others like you.  There are no others like you three.  You all have powers.  The powers go with your eyes. Your power is the ability to freeze objects. Purple eyes are spells and magic. And red eyes the most powerful one of them all. Fire and the power to control demons from the depths of hell it's self.

You need to protect them.  Make it your duty, you have no choice. You are going to a unknown place with the rest of your kind.  Evil lurks in the shadows.  The figure says then dashes faster then a blink of a eyes leaving me alone.  In a black world.  

I have to protect my kind....I must do it.  I must know what the evil is.  I must wake up!

*Comes back to reality with Brittany tapping my shoulder*

ARE YOU OK??!!  Shes says scared and shaken.

Ye....a I...I'll be ok...I respond shaking my head.

I look over at  Ammie on the other side of the street sitting down crying.

*Rushes across the street and sits next to Ammie holding her hand.*

It will all be ok.... I whisper into Ammies ear.

How did you do that?  She whispers back.

Its my power.  I have to protect you girls.  I tell her helping her up.

How do you know all of this?  Ammie asks wipeing away the tears in her eyes.

I laugh a little then say,  A dream... 

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