From: Lilly(:

Sure. What did you have in mind?

Swiftly, I replied.

To: Lilly(:

Well I cant rlly go outside without a disguise on. U saw what happened earlier.

From: Lilly(:

Yeah, I don't know how my parents would feel if the press caught me out to dinner with a guy who's not my fiance..

Oh no...was she changing her mind?

To: Lilly(:

we could always go to a thrift store and get a disguise? Become totally diff ppl?

I squeezed my eyes shut until I heard the ring of a new text message, hoping she'd go for it.

From: Lilly(:

Perfect. I know one on twenty-seventh and George street. Meet me there at six?

"Yeah buddy!" I said, fist pumping the air. I knew it was wrong to be taking a engaged woman on a da- wait, what was thing? I did ask her to dinner? Probably just thinks it's as friends. That's cause that is what it was! I knew she didn't have I was just being friendly. Breathing in deeply, I sent a message back.

To: Lilly(:

Cya then!(:

I looked at the time and sighed. Only two and a half more hours to go.


Lillian POV:

I stood in front of the store, I'd never been inside, but passed it quite a few times. Dark glasses concealed my face, a trench coat wrapped around my body, my head covered by a hat. I was exhausted from spending the last two hours arguing over what was 'right' and 'perfect' for the wedding.

"Lillian Whitlock! Why are you hear?!" A deep, ugly voice cried out from behind me. I froze, waiting for the flash of a camera. My heart raced as I turned around, only to come face to face with a guy wearing a beige fedora, and an obviously fake mustache on his upper lip. I couldn't conceal my giggle.

"Whatt?" Niall cried, " I think the 'stache makes me look beautiful!"

I could only nod as I bent over in laughter. When I straightened back up, I had to wipe away a tear of laughter.

Regaining my composure, I pointed to the store, "Shall we?" Niall only smiled and walked ahead of me, opening the door, "After the lady, of course."

After trying on a few...well a lot of silly outfits, Niall and I finally chose a serious outfit.

I ended up in a faded yellow, v-cut shirt with a big smiley face across the front. Niall had found me a pair of black skinny jeans, which felt weird since I'd never worn a pair in my life, and a pair of old converse that smelled like cheap perfume. But hey, it worked. To top it off, I pulled my long, flowing hair into a messy bun, and slid my glasses on my face. I had slipped my Prada purse into a old, yet kinda cute, large bag we found stuffed inside a large bin of bags and purses.

Niall ended up in a classic white 'I heart NYC' shirt, baggy grey pants, but kept his red supras on. According to him, no one would notice. He ditched his old fedora and mustache, replacing it with a grey beanie and large shades.

I was sure lucky it was summer and the sun didn't go down till nine. 'Cause wearing shades at night would be ridiculous and tacky.

We shoved out clothes in an old backpack that Niall found, and was now on his back.

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