❧ ⦅07⦆ Houtaro

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Houtaro stiffen by the voice he heard, fear evident in his eyes-which made me snicker internally if I were to be honest

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Houtaro stiffen by the voice he heard, fear evident in his eyes-which made me snicker internally if I were to be honest. He quickly wore a facade and turned to face the indigo haired male, Ayato.

Letting out a dry laugh, a sly smirk etched on to his lips. "Heh, if it isn't the infamous Black Rabbit." he spoke. "Pleasure to have you join us."

Ayato had a look that could kill-it was obvious that he utterly loathed the male in front of me. "Houtaro, I see you're stirring up trouble again, aren't you?" he sneered.

"What can I say? It's what I'm good at."

The ash blonde haired male then looked back at me with a lopsided smile. "Hm, I wonder..." he muttered to himself, and then in a blink of an eye, his hands were coiled around my throat.

"-how long does it take to break you?" I grunted and grabbed his wrists, trying to remove his firm grip on my throat but he didn't budge. He still held his ground and the psychotic grin on his face even when I started to kick his legs.

'Damn, it's like as if his strength amplified.' I thought to myself.

"Let go of her, Houtaro." Ayato demanded in an infuriated and stern tone as his hands curled into a fists.

"Hm, what's that? I couldn't hear you." the other male responded mockingly.

He scowled and took a step forward. "I said let go of her." he repeated, having a more intimidating look written on his face.

Houtaro scoffed. "I'd rather not."

He then activated his kakugan, letting his cerulean kouhaku unravel and coil around his right arm like a snake. The tip shaped like a dagger pointing at my throat, inches away from piercing through my pale, porcelain skin.

I silently whimpered, tilting my chin higher. And I couldn't help but question myself in my mind: 'Why am I not fighting back?' I honestly don't even know why.

"Don't you fucking dare!" I heard Ayato yell. Houtaro chortled. "Or what? You'll kill me?" he snickered. "Don't make me laugh."

"Shut the hell up." the indigo haired male scowled and activated his kakugan.

Houtaro scoffed in response with a roll of his eyes then averted his gaze back to my helpless frame, a wry smile etching on to his lips. He suddenly leaned forward, his face inches away from mine as he opened his mouth and spoke: "I'm actually curious as to...what you taste like."

The Black Tail | Ayato Kirishima x Reader (DISCONTINUED!)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя