Lips of an Angel.

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"Shut up bitch, if I was talking to you I'd make it known"

That was the last thing I heard, before a smack across the face sent me flying against the wall into the corner. Blood running down my face, tears coming from my eyes, my head smacking against the wall. I thought this was the end. I held onto my face as the man I once loved sat in the chair across from the corner I was in, holding my daughter making it seem so real that the biggest mistake I made was going to that god forsaken party, two years ago today. And now he's back to haunt me because he didn't know that my daughter was almost his. As blood blurred my vision, my head started to go numb, I realized that it would be here, in my little apartment in the middle of nowhere, that I would die. And, there was nothing I could do about it.

==But lets REWIND THIS a little bit==

2 years ago!

November 17th, 2008

Hi, my name is Ashleigh Lauren. I have long brown hair, hazel eyes, and I'm 5'6" and I'm skinny. But, I'm the attractive skinny, not the eww skeleton kind. I work at a mcdonalds on the corner of 4th and orange. And today is my 17th birthday.

"Ashleigh, come on your going to be latee!!" My mom yelled as I dragged my feet down the steps from my bedroom to the living room.

"Mom, today is my birthday, can't I just stay home today?"

"No Ashleigh, we talked about this, your going."

I grunted as I picked up my keys, I slowly walked down the steps from the porch to my 1997 Dodge Dakota Sport. Yeah, what can I say? My mom asked me what kind of car I wanted for my birthday last year and wanted to get me a sporty car, well I like big trucks. Trucks that can damolish a broken heart, and that can domolish the neighbors yard while their sleeping. So I picked the truck. As I climbed in I turned on my radio to "What it's like" by Everlast I turned it up as loud as it would go and rolled out of my driveway to the hell on earth I call school. I pulled into the school 10 way to short minutes later, and parked. Got out to all the guys staring at me because today, I wore a mini skirt and a long sleeve low cut playboy shirt. Whistles as I walked by intrigued me to dress like this more often, but why? I'm already popular, and I'm not a slut, I also have an amazing boyfriend, Caiman who also happens to be the captain of the football team. So I guess changes aren't what I need huh?

So, today was pretty normal. I walked into first period and Josh was there, by the way lets introduce Josh, he's my ex. He's about 6'1" and has dark black hair and brown eyes that you would fall into if you stared into them long enough. Why would I go from that to the football captain? Nobody knows. Not even me. But I guess thats just what happen. Caiman is more of the kind you'd "expect" a girl like me to be with right? I'm pretty, I'm popular, and I was a cheerleader since 3rd grade. I quit this year because while dating Josh my grades went lower then the ditch in the grand canyon. So, I guess I need to work on that to get back on the squad by the time football season starts. But, anyway, I walk in and sit down, and to my surprise he comes over and sits next to me? Uhm.. ok?

"Happy birthday Ash" He said with his genuine smile that I haven't seen since we broke up.

"Awe, Josh you remembered? Thank you"

"Here, I got you something"

It was a card? And he just walked away? Uhm alright.

"Well thanks Josh!" I whisper/yelled as the teacher walked in. I wonder why he just got up and walked away? Anyway who cares, whats it say?!?

"Happy Birthday Ashleigh, I'm glad you got with Caiman, you deserve much better then me. But I want you to do me a favor, meet me at the party tonight, I know your going to be going and I just wanna talk. Like old times"

Wow.. I really don't know what to say. The rest of the day went normal, got lunch and sat with Caiman and the rest of the football team but my mind wasn't really there, it was more on tonight and what Josh would possibly have to talk about.

"Caiman baby, are we going to Sparkles party tonight?"

"Well, what about your birthday? Isn't that more important? Aren't you doing anything for your birthday?" He seemed concerned as to why I wouldn't want to spend my birthday partying for my birthday.

"Well yeah, but it's Wednesday, my party isn't going to be til Saturday. So can we go?"

"Sure, I'll pick you up around 7 ok?"

"Alright babe"

And thats the conversation that led to the worst mistake of my life. Congradulations you just entered the nightmare.

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