Chapter 5: Com on

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You were home alone, in your room. Staring at the box. This was after the tenth time you've tried to get rid of him. Each time he's somehow came back. Dumpster? No. Free online. Returned to you. Have to some random kid at school. Your teacher gave it back. You kicked it into a lake. It came back while you where taking a bath! "What do you want?! Who are you going to kill?! My siblings?! (Caregiver)?! Who?! Answer me!" You shouted as you shook the box. Sitting it down, you took a deep breath. Turning the rusty handle, the tune played. 'All around the mulberry bush the monkey chased the weasel-' POP! The wood hatch sprung open, Laughing Jack jumped out. Grabbing at you. This terrified you! You threw the box as he stood in your room. Having a good laugh, "your face was priceless kid!" He chuckled. Once his laughing had stopped, you coming down from nearly having a heart attack didn't. You held your chest as you tried catching your breath. "What I want is a friend!" He gave you a sharply toothy smile. A friend? Sounds like pedo-bear or a bad fan fiction. "What?" You asked, taken back by his words. "A friend, I'm on vacation!" His accent clearly showing he was from Britain. "I want to see what 'fun' I can have in (your country)!" He smiles, but his smile doesn't sit will with you. "And you came to a teenage (your gender)'s bedroom? do realize how bad that looks right?.." you ask, he ignores the questions. "You'll have a room buddy! And if you have a problem with that.." he paused crocking his heck to the side. "We can always play one of my games.." he said in an write tone. You didn't want to know what would happen if you'd went with that opinion.

Sorry that chapters are short school and stuff are getting in the way. But soon it'll get better.

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