Scars| (Levi x Depressed!Reader)

Start from the beginning

The girl simply would not open her mouth.

Captain Levi's hands shook with immense frustration as he let a low growl seep past his chapped lips. With a soft sigh of displeasure, he sat on his bottom and rested his palms against the grass below him. He was left to only stare at the girl as her petite hands curled into a small fist, almost as if she were about ready to punch him and scream, 'Scram!'

She would never dare say that though, and neither would the rest of the Survey Corps.

"You little shit. Can you look at your Captain? Is this your way of trying to belittle me?" Levi finally spoke with a scoff. The girl still did not respond. By this time, Levi had lost all the remaining patience he had with the young cadet.

"Listen to me; how could you feel such hatred for yourself because of a future you were unaware of to begin with? I'm just your captain; I'm nobody special. I'm no better than your fellow cadets. It's stupid that most of my soldiers praise me as if I were some sort of God, but in reality all I'm able to do is kill some titans here and there. Are you listening to me, (Y/N)?" The girl finally responded with a slight nod of her head, looking up at her Captain's stoic gaze as he began a lecture.

Levi sighed and scooted forward, tightly encasing her hands with his own. In the moment, (Y/N)'s mind raced with all sorts of foolish thoughts. H-He's holding my hand! What could this mean!? "I'm going to tell you something I've never told anyone else before, not even my squad. I expect you to live up to expectation and keep it a secret, you brat." The girl quickly nodded her head, anxious to hear what Captain Levi was going to speak.

"In my younger years of the Survey Corps, there were many times where I, myself, debated suicide. I had nobody~ My mother died while I was still but a mere child, I never knew my father, my guardian eventually became known as a serial killer, my best friends died right in front of my eyes~"

Levi had to stop himself from further speaking as he glanced down. While it was extremely hard to see, (Y/N) could depict the sadness in his stoic gaze, "But you know why I never committed suicide? Do you, (Y/N) (L/N)?"

The way her name slipped off of his tongue so... casually seemed almost disrespectful. While she was beyond excited to know the Captain Levi was aware of her name in the first place, how could he possibly be so lax about it? The girl simply shook her head and looked back down at the swaying grass beneath her boots. They'd be sitting in the forest for a good twenty minutes now, and it was amazing how Erwin had not sent Levi's squad to come searching for him.

"I never brought myself to commit suicide because of a certain stupid little brat I just so happened to stumble upon. Now, I never mentioned my attraction for this stupid little brat because of how socially incompetent I am, but it seems as fate really does exist. Corny shit, isn't it? This stupid little brat is extremely shy, clumsy, beyond my level of awkwardness, and can't slice a titans nape to save her own ass." Levi's grip on the girls hand noticeably tightened as he let a small, smug smirk arise on his lips.

The girl blushed slightly, and titled her head to the side in attempts of hiding it. "Look at me when I'm talking to you, (Y/N)." She reluctantly did as instructed, as Levi's slender fingers roughly gripped the tips of her chin and leant her face close to his, lowering his face to a mere whisper as he faintly muttered:

"That stupid little brat just so happened to be you, (Y/N) (L/N)."

(Y/N)'s mouth dropped in pure shock. Never once had the two spoken a word to each other before this awkward interaction, and now... it was simply all too much for the girl to take in all at once. Her petite hands shook in Levi's grasps, as all he did was pull her into his chest and embraced her tightly. "This is so fucking cliché, but you saved my life, brat. At least let me save yours."

The girl soon melted in her Captain's warm embrace, as she simply smiled and nuzzled herself into the crook of his neck. "Levi.." She basked in his lemon scented cologne, clutching tightly onto his muscled back as he held her.

"Don't ever do stupid shit like that again, or I'll kick your ass." He threatened, finally detaching from the embrace and assisting her toward her feet. He couldn't help but continue to stare at her scars, and felt a small gathering of guilt resonating in his chest. In a way, Levi felt as if he were the one who put her in that situation. She did say, after all, that she wanted his attention so bad it drove her to depression.

If only he had spoke his feelings for the girl sooner.

The two walked hand in hand back to Headquarters silently. A mere cadet and her superior~a truly odd sight, but no one would ever have the courage to say that to Levi's face without being okay losing an arm or a leg.

Perhaps fate really does exist, as the two of them had both indirectly saved each other from their fatal doom. Their relationship was extremely awkward for the longest time, but eventually they each became more comfortable with on another and later married. The image of Levi Ackerman wearing a band of enteral love on his index was surprising; nobody ever figured he would marry, or if he even knew what the definition of love was.

They both were the happiest they had ever been for a long time, and Levi could even be spotted with a small smirk on his face whenever he was with his wife. The girl was privately trained by her husband to become an excelled soldier and eventually became the leader of her own squad consisting of six hardheaded teenagers that she adored as if they were her own children.

Looking back on her life, (Y/N) never pictured herself marrying the Captain of the Survey Corps, and Levi never pictured himself marrying anyone for that matter. She never resorted to cutting herself, and spoke to her husband on just about every little aspect revolving her feelings.

Together, they mended their pained hearts that were now intwined for the rest of their lives.

Together, they mended their pained hearts that were now intwined for the rest of their lives

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