First Date

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Jenna and Tyler walked into the cold silent streets of Canton for their first date. Jenna just couldn't let go of her love. The boy who sang to her when they first met.

As they went to several places in the streets, Tyler was all Jenna kept by her side.

Tyler was happy to be back together with Jenna, but he missed Josh. He was there for him more than Jenna ever was. But still, he made a promise to marry her. He won't brake that promise.

Tyler and Jenna spent the rest of their date walking through the streets of Canton.

"What do you think of this place?" Tyler asked.

"Well, it's very nice." Jenna said. "Even though it's not like what it is back at hometown. I still enjoy it."

Tyler grinned softly.


Jenna checked her phone.

"Why don't we hang for a few more hours and then go home afterwards?" She asked.

"Why go home right away?" Tyler asked.

Jenna looked at her fiancé.

"To get married."

Jenna started dancing around Tyler because she was so happy and excited.

"To live together forever. And you can sing to me everyday for the rest of our lives!"

Whoa, slow down Jenna." Tyler said. "We can always do some more things together before we go back to hometown."

Jenna was very disappointed that Tyler wants to stay in Canton for a while. But she agrees only because she cares about his decision.

"Okay, what would you like to do?" She asked.

"Well, we could go to a restaurant and have dinner, we can go to the Canton gardens, or, we can go to a dance."

"A dance?"

"Yeah." Tyler said. "I saw a sign that talked about a dance at the CGC. We can go together."

"What kind of dance is it?" Jenna asked.

"It's formal. So you can wear anything fancy."

Jenna smiled.

"Okay, we can go. But, you must promise me that will go home after the dance."

"I promise." Tyler said. "The moment it's over."

Jenna smiled and hugged Tyler.

"Do you remember when you sang to me for the first time?" She asked.

She began to sing the lyrics to the song to her love.

I know. Where you stand. Silent, in the trees.

Tyler started singing with her.

And that's, where I am. Silent, in the trees.

Jenna and Tyler sang the entire song together without adding any music into the background. Tyler was having such a wonderful time with Jenna that he began to forget about missing Josh.

Back at the hotel, Brendon was enjoying his time alone. He still held onto the poison that he bought from the store. Suddenly, he got a text message from Jenna.

From Jenna Black: Found Tyler! The wedding is back on! We're gonna head back to the hotel to get ready for the dance in a few hours. I appreciate you helping me find him :)

Above the message was a picture of her and Tyler together. Brendon was shocked. He couldn't believe it. Seeing Tyler alive in the picture made his face turn red and burn with envy. He knew that Jenna was gonna marry him once they return back to hometown.

But, he needed to wait for his move after Jenna and Tyler leave for the dance.

Hometown: JoshlerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora