"Who's there!?" Brayden yelled. He made a punching motion with his fists. "I'm not afraid of you! Come out and fight me!" 

But nobody came.

"It looks like nobody is coming," Melody observed. She was standing next to Percy. "I suppose we had better keep going." 

Everyone continued moving. Brayden kept looking around, brows raised. The kids walked a little further. A silhouette appeared behind them in the shadows.

"SHOW YOURSELF, COWARD!" Brayden yelled at the trees, clenching his fists.

"You better." Clover agreed, holding up her gun. 

Still nobody came. 

The eighth human continued walking. They didn't look afraid. They were nearing that bridge thing. So everyone followed them. They stopped at the bridge. 

Snow was being crunched behind them; someone was there. The eighth human didn't flinch. Clover gripped her gun. Cody was holding up his frying pan. Percy was taking notes. Melody looked a little scared herself. Faye was hiding behind Brayden.

"Who are you!?" Brayden asked the silhouette, glaring at them. "You wanna fight!?" 

The eighth human was shaking their head. They didn't seem nervous at all. Quite the opposite.

"Humans," the shadow thing greeted slowly. "Don't you know how to greet a new pal?" He held out his bony hand. "Shake my hand.

The eighth human shook his hand like they'd done it a million times. Everyone was sort of staring at them. Then there was a fart noise. A really long and awkward one.

"Did you just fart?" Brayden asked the shadowy dude who wasn't so shadowy anymore. 

He was now a chubby skeleton with a blue jacket, slippers and a white shirt. His blue jacket had a fluffy hood and his black eye-sockets were kind of creepy. A permanent smile was plastered on his face. He was slightly taller than the kids.

Brayden giggled like an immature child. "Awesome!"

"Ugh," Melody rolled her eyes.

"heh heh, thanks kid," the skeleton replied, chuckling. "that was the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick. it's ALWAYS funny. anyways, you're all humans, right? that's hilarious. im sans. sans the skeleton. im actually supposed to be on watch for humans right now. but... y'know... i don't really care about capturing anybody."

"I think he's nice, Clover," Cody told his sister. He eyed her gun. "You can put that away." 

Clover slipped her gun away, biting her lip.

"If you're a skeleton, does that mean you're an undead human?" Percy asked, bringing out his notepad. "How exactly would that work?"

"it's complicated, kid," Sans answered, shrugging. "it's probably for the best if we don't discuss it now. anyway, my brother, papyrus. he's a human hunting FANATIC. hey, actually, i think that's him over there. i have an idea. go through this gate thingy. yeah, all you kids, go right through. my bro made the bars too wide to stop anyone." 

The kids went through the gate. On the other side was that sentry station and seven conveniently shaped lamps. 

"quick, behind those conveniently shaped lamps," Sans told them.

"Why are we hiding!?" Brayden asked. He clenched his fists. "I wanna fight! I'm not afraid of, what's his name, Papyrus!"

"Let's not be rude and listen to Sans." Melody told him, giving him a look. 

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