With tanned skin and flowing hair.

I'm not a merman.

As much as I wish that were true.

But on days like these, it definitely feels like I am one.

I'm out on the water to celebrate the first day of summer.

The summer that finally doesn't lead me back into high school.

The summer that finally doesn't lead me back to a place that only takes and never gives.

I graduated with perfect grades, a football scholarship, and a deep sigh from all the teachers.

I was, what most people called, the "golden boy."

I was also the jock, the bad boy, the partier......

I had so many titles.

Too many.

And these titles meant something to everyone else but me.

Those titles weren't me.

I wasn't golden, I wasn't a rebel....

I sure as hell wasn't a jock.

I was just me.

Nerdy, music craving, sunshine loving me.

But no one seemed to understand that.

And walking down those halls with strangers who called themselves my friends glued to my side......

Passing those admiring faces next to dark blue hued lockers......

Was a living hell.

And being the center of attention made me burn.

Luckily for me,

I was no longer obligated to be in hell.

So I submerged myself in heaven.

H2O heaven.

Out here, I was no jock.

I was free.

But freedom didn't last too long.

Because I could no longer feel any warmth on my soaked skin.

My eyes looked up to see that the sun was dramatically shielded by grey clouds....

The light left and the sky transitioned into a grey/blue sky.

And I knew all too well that this meant a California worthy storm was coming.

So, regretfully, baby blue and I roughly paddled to shore.

The waves washing over my board like smooth paint strokes on a pure white canvas.

Eventually, I made it to where the waves only washed over my feet. The tough, tan sand hitting the bottoms of my feet like a wake up call.

Look At Me When I Look At You ⚣ VicturiWhere stories live. Discover now