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I pulled her into a storage room at the end of the band hall, no one comes in here, I know because its not my first time being here.

"Are you alright" I ask

She nods, looking down she hasn't looked up once since I took her from the library.

"Let me see your waist" I tell her

She violently shakes her head as if saying 'no'

"Has he hit you before?" I ask

"..." She doesn't answer, dosent even look up

"I'm going to tell the teacher" I say as I turn and open the door, but before I get the chance to step one foot outside, I'm being yanked back, as she grips my shirt with her hands on my back, her arms trembling.

I turn around holding her by the shoulders, not wanting her to remember what just happened "wait calm down, I have to if not that will keep on happening" I tell her emphasising that.

She jumps forward gripping my shirt "No, no please don't" she pleads "it's all my fault" she says as she looks down and the corner of her mouth lifts upwards into a smirk, her whole stance looked completely different... but as soon as it appeared it was gone smirking? I question No, no it's probably my imagination, yeah, it was probably my imagination she couldn't have been smiling or smirking, but maybe what if-

"Please don't tell anyone" she whimpers


She cuts me off "at least wait until tomorrow"

"Tomorrow?" I question, as I unconsciously furrow my eyebrows

"Yes, tomorrow, if you still wanna tell after what you've seen, only then I wont stop you"

"Alright ?" I say but it sounds more like a question, after what I've seen? What the hell is she talking about, but before the questions start to flood my mind I stop myself, tomorrow I'll find out anyway, "show me your neck and waist" I tell her, with an expression that says she can't say no.

She pulls apart her blue flannel and it flys open how did she do- "holy fuck" I unconsciously scream out, my eyes wide as saucers as I look at her body, her waist where he was holding her is nothing but a huge black and blue handprint, I look up to her neck to look at where he was choking her but, a bloody bite mark catches my attention, it's deep and starting to bruise, dried blood around it, her neck a purple hue, I look down and her chest which also has bite marks and hickeys, however these bite marks aren't as bad as the one on her neck.

"Fuck" I say, as I walk towards a cabinet that has a first aid kit that I brought along some time ago, don't ask me why, and I begin tending to her wounds.

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