Just Like the Old Days

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"When we go out for dinner you need to be nice. So no rude comments"


"You can put up with them for a couple hours, they'll be out of our hair after that"

His phone started ringing and he got up from the couch, going into the bedroom to answer it. I finished watching the show that was on, there were 10 minutes left, and when I turned the tv off I noticed Yuri was still in the room talking on his phone. I held my ear up against the closed door to hear his hushed voice talking anxiously and nervously.

"I don't know if I can do this" he said. "Maybe I should wait"

There was a pause in his speech, one that made me think he hung up, but he continued talking. He must've been listening to the person on the other end of the line.

"I just don't want to ruin what she has now. She's coaching, this would just put more pressure on her" pause, "but it's-" pause, "idiot, stop talking to me as if I were a child" pause.

He sighed and I pulled away from the door, hearing a click of the phone. I went to the kitchen to make some tea. We were going out for dinner this afternoon with Viktor and Yuuri, a small reunion you could say. They said they had a surprise for me afterwards and all I could think was 'what the heck have I gotten myself into?'. Whenever it came to them all I could think was trouble.

"Crystal?" Yuri called.

"I'm in the kitchen"

I turned the kettle on, heating up the water. I heard Yuri walk up to me. He spun me around and put his hands on either side of me on the counter. I raised an eyebrow, looking up into his eyes, wondering what his next move would be. He had grown in the past couple years, not something unusual, and now he was a couple inches taller than me.

He brings his lips to mine, not one of his normal hungry and rough kisses, it was soft. My eyes remained wide in shock while he kissed me gently. I eventually got over the surprise and closed my eyes, following along with the kiss. When he pulled away he pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist, leaning my head against his chest to hear the slightly faster beating of his heart.

"I love you" he says.

"I love you too"

The kettle started whistling. Yuri let go of me and allowed me to turn it off and make the tea.

The rest of the day was spent with us cuddling on the couch, watching movies until it was time for meeting with Viktor and Yuuri. We went to a nice restaurant, not something fancy but someplace with very good and expensive food. Yuri managed to keep his remarks to himself, acting like a proper human being around them.

"Crystal are you ready for your surprise?" Viktor asks me once we had paid and left the restaurant.

"I guess"

"Put this on"

He handed me a blindfold which I slid over my eyes. Yuri, or who I hoped was Yuri, slid an arm around my waist and used the other to hold my hand to guide me in the direction we were going. We went inside a building after about 5 minutes. It was cold and had the familiar smell of the rink I worked at.

The blindfold was removed and lo and behold, the arena. Viktor shushed me, knowing I was going to ask what we were doing here, and told me to be patient. He ran off with Yuuri and when they came back they both had their skates on.

"You're going to skate? That's the surprise?"

"Yep!" Viktor said proudly.

I stood on the side, watching as Yuuri skates to a song first then Viktor, both landing their jumps flawlessly. I applauded when they both came off the ice.

"That was beautiful you two"

"It's good to know I haven't lost my touch" Viktor said.

I look to my left, then right. Yuri wasn't standing next to me anymore. When I looked back in front of me Viktor and Yuuri were running off somewhere.

"Where are you two going?!" I shout to them.

"Just stay where you are!" Yuuri shouted back.

They disappeared out of sight and I was left all alone. It couldn't get any worse, is something so cliché and overused. But with the logic that comes from that phrase, something happened. All the lights went out, leaving me in the pitch black, cold arena, all alone. Just as I was about to try and find my way out a spotlight shone on the ice, revealing Yuri with his skates on, wearing his most recent costume for competition.

He started skating to the music that played, but it wasn't the music that went with his costume, it wasn't the music he had skated to recently in the olympics to win a gold medal, it was the music he used 10 years ago with his agape solo.

He was skating that solo as well. All the jumps were where I remembered them being, all the arm movements were the way I had fixed them, everything was perfect. I nearly cried as he finished, looked directly at me - somehow spotting me in the pitch black arena - and bowed.

The spotlight went out and lights turned back on. Yuri skated over to me and stood at the entrance to the ice, right in front of me. I pulled him in for a hug, but he pulled away, gliding back a bit. Viktor came over and tossed him something.


"Shh" Viktor said, leaving the scene once again.

Yuri caught my attention when he opened what had been tossed to him. A diamond ring sat in a ring box in his hands. I realized what he was talking about earlier over the phone. He was talking to Viktor about proposing to me.

"Crystal, will you be my wife?"

I had waited 10 years to hear those words come out of my mouth. I hadn't pictured it happening like this, reliving the first time we had both realized we loved each other. He didn't even need to say any more than what he did. I didn't need a big fancy speech, that was enough. This was Yuri being himself, being the man I loved. Love.

"Of course"

I extend a hand for him to put the ring on then jump at him, making him fall back on the ice. I was laying on top of him and he looked a little hurt from the fall but didn't seem to care.

"Just like the old days" I say.

He pushes some hair out of my face, cupping his hand on my cheek.

"Just like when we were young"

Applause made me look up from Yuri. Viktor and Yuuri were in the stands, giving us a standing ovation. I looked back at Yuri who smiled at me and brought my face to his.

"So beautiful" I could hear Viktor say with a sniffle at the end.

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