13:Record Breaking

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We sat in silence. I was still in shock. Yuri seemed pleased, probably because he managed to work up the nerve to kiss me. I finally look him in the eye, he was staring at me. Suddenly, I'm pulled into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry." Is all he says. He gets up and walks out of the kitchen. And I, finally coming to my senses, stand up to follow him. He was quick, already out the door, presumably gone home.

"Ughhh. Why do you have to do this Yuri?" I say to myself, stomping a foot on the ground. "Wait. It's the day of the Grand Prix!" I start running around, trying to find an outfit to wear. It needed to be something presentable because I would be seen with Yakov and his ex-wife as Yuri's coach. Which meant I would be with him at the kiss and cry, that just so happened to be viewed on national television.


The competition went by quickly. Yuri and I haven't spoken, but it was right before he went on the ice. I need to say something. Yakov left the inspirational speech to me, seeing how I would be able to help his emotional state.

"Yuri, remember. You need to follow the music, listen to the feeling, show the story. Think of your Agape... me" I take hold of his hands looking in his eyes.

"I know what to do" he takes his hands away.

"There it is again. That attitude." I sigh. "Think of your grandpa if you don't want to think of me, just know that you need to think of something or someone you love"

"Next up, Yuri Plisetksy!" The announcer announces.

Yuri goes to skate onto the ice but I stop him. "Love, happiness. Remember" he shakes his head, saying he remembers, and skates.

I stand with Yakov, watching Yuri. Come on Yuri, remember. Love, you love me. Think of me. He finishes, landing all his jumps perfectly. The crowd screams, claps filling up the once silent arena. I swear, a tear almost came from my eye his performance was so beautiful.

Yuri skates to the edge, I was there to greet him with a giant smile on my face. He finally did it, he managed to show the love and feeling through his program. I jump on him, wrapping my arms around his body.

"You did amazing Yuri. I'm sure you beat Viktor's record easily"

He hugs back then we go to the kiss and cry. Yuri was sitting in the middle of me and Yakov, looking impatient. He had cat ears on his head. They were thrown at him from the crowd, and surprisingly landed on his head.

Yuri receives his score, beating Viktor's record. He jumps up happily, celebrating. I smile at his happy state. Why can't you be like this all the time? We walk away to the dressing rooms, letting the next skater hear their fate.

Yakov leaves, telling me to wait for Yuri. I stand outside the dressing room patiently waiting for the skater to finish changing. He comes out and notices me. He gives me a small smile, I smile at him widely, still unable to believe he accomplished his goals.

One day down, one to go.

Crystal clear (Yurio x OC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu