Screaming to an Empty Sky

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"Are you sure whether this is very good idea? She's probably mad at me."

"Just do it. You'll never know until you try," Josh says.

We stand in Jenna's backyard, gazing up at her window. He made me spill what happened, and now he knows that I like her. Butterflies flutter through my stomach, but with my anxiety they feel more like birds. My mind races, and my hands become sweaty and clammy, forcing me to tighten my grip on my ukulele.

"Do it," Josh nudges me. "C'mon, you'll regret it later if you don't."

I sigh and pull out my phone, texting Jenna.

Me: Hey, are you home?

Five minutes. No answer.

Me: Well, obviously you are, because I told your mom not to let you leave the house.

Me: Open your window.

This is the moment that will determine everything. If she doesn't come to that window, then our trip here will be for nothing.

There's a shadow at her window and the glass swings outward in two different directions; it's not the kind of window that you lift up. An aggravated Jenna comes into our line of sight. Not the best sign.

"I'm trying to sleep! What do you want, Tyler? And who's the purple-haired dude?" Her huff of agitation is visible from here.

"Sorry," I say. "Um.., this is Josh," I turn and gesture to the teen standing behind me.

"You still didn't answer my other question. What are you doing here?"

"," I trail off. "I um, left my Taco Bell bag up in your room yesterday."

Jenna's brow furrows, and I can here Josh feebly attempting to muffle his laughter from behind me. "Why do you want your Taco Bell bag?"

"I collect them."

"You're joking."

"Can you just get it and like, toss it down to me?" I ask, squinting in the sunlight despite the fact that I'm sporting my white, round sunglasses.

Jenna sighs and rolls her eyes. "I guess I can try to find it." As soon as she leaves the window, I turn to Josh, holding my ukulele in playing position.

"I forgot the first chord! What's my chord!?" I say frantically, my breath shortening.

"Dude, it's a C. Calm down and breathe, or else you won't be able to sing."

"Right. I knew that." I inhale deeply, trying to calm the knot in my stomach. Jenna starts walking back to the window with the bag as I play the introduction of the song on my ukulele.

"Wise men say

"Only fools rush in.

"but I can't help falling in love with you."

I sing to Jenna, pouring my heart and soul into the song. She's quiet as I belt out verse after verse.

"Take my hand.

"Take my whole life, too,

"For I can't help falling in love with you."

"For I


"Falling in love



Strumming the last chord, I yell,"JENNA BLACK, WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME!?" for the whole neighborhood to hear.

   Jenna's face freezes in expression and for a moment, the whole world is frozen and silent. For me, the universe rests on this moment. Then, the silence is broken by the sudden slamming of the windows. I look up at them in disbelief as I see Jenna walk away from the glass. She just walked away with my heart. Josh and I were so sure this would work. We talked about it until about eleven last night. Hanging my head, I walk over to Josh, who puts a comforting hand on my shoulder to console me.

   "We failed. And she didn't even give me my Taco Bell bag back, which makes me depressed even though I don't even collect them."

   Josh hugs me. "I know. Maybe she'll change her mind."

  "I doubt—"

   The yellow house's back door slams, and Jenna bolts out, pajamas and messy hair to compliment her "I'm trying to sleep" comment.

  "Jenna!" I scold. "You know that you're not supposed to come outside with your concuss—"

   "Yes!" she screams, ignoring my words and barreling into me with a bone-crushing hug. "Tyler Joseph, I accept your offer, and I will go out with you!"

   I wrap my arms around her as we stand there in the embrace. I'm so happy I could sing. Heck, I could even write a brand new verse to Can't Help Falling in Love. Time freezes once again as the sun beats down on our trio. Jenna pulls away first and grins, her teeth flashing.

   "I know I can't be outside forever, so I guess I'd better go. Do you guys want to come in?" Josh and I look at each other.

  "Well—Uh—your mom hasn't really met me. Tyler and I might want to head back to his house," Josh stutters. I understand if Josh is too scared to come in due to his social anxiety.
    "Okay, that's fine," Jenna says, still smiling. "See you tomorrow?"

   "Yeah," I grin. She turns to go back inside and only when she closes the door behind her is when Josh and I walk back through the woods to my house.

  Now why can't I be this happy all of the time?

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