Chapter Seven

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❝And I run from wolves hoo ooh ooh

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❝And I run from wolves hoo ooh ooh. Breathing heavily at my feet. And I run from wolves hoo ooh ooh. Tearing into me, without teeth ❞

Wolves Without Teeth by Of Monsters and Men



Candice King as Penelope Sinclair

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Candice King as Penelope Sinclair


Warning: Mentions of suicide

THEY RAN. That's all they seemed to do from everything. They ran from each other, but now they ran together. If only it wasn't because they were all running for their lives.

Running had never been an issue for Scarlett. She always did it during training, and her legs had gotten used to the strain. It was moments like this that it came in handy— although she couldn't say she saw her mother murder teenage girls often, thank God.

Eliza may not be the ideal mother (obviously) but never in Scarlett's dreams would she have called her a monster. She couldn't think straight while she was running, but, for whatever reason, her mind went back to the times when she stayed in the hospital after the accident. During that time, it seemed like, to Eliza, her daughter was more of a priority than her work. It had been a long time since that happened, and Scarlett loved it. Of course, she still got the occasional phone call, but majority of the time they just sat and talk, watching movies on the TV of the room she stayed in during her time there.

"Hurry!" Alex called from the front of the group as he ran, as anxious as anyone to get out. Nico, who wasn't far behind him, breathlessly said: "What— what if they didn't see us?"

"Well, then we're definitely working on our cardio!" Chase called back almost in a growl, picking up his speed as he ran. He had good stamina, of course, but something told Scarlett that his heavy breathing didn't come from the running. Most likely the sight of their parents murdering an innocent girl.

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