Chapter Five

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❝After all that we had we act like we never met

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

After all that we had we act like we never met.❞

Strangers by The XX


FOR WHATEVER REASON, the next time Scarlett's hands got off the steering wheel, she found herself parking in the driveway of the Wilder house. It was a familiar scenario, of course, but it felt so alienated she hardly even remembered.

This will go brilliantly, Scarlett thought to herself with a heavy sense of sarcasm, before she got out of her car, and grabbed her jacket before making her way to the front door. She threw on her red leather jacket just as she saw her old friends standing on the front porch, the same ones she had a little run in with earlier that day. Nico was still missing in action, and no one could blame her.

The first to notice her was Karolina. Her expression turned to shock, as if remembering their last interactions. Still, that shock turned into a smile as she pointed, which made Scarlett suddenly feel called out. "We've got another one joining us." She spoke.

Her words caused all of them to turn and face the approaching redhead. Scarlett kept her poker face on, although it quickly faltered when Molly, smiling broadly at the girl, wrapped her in a hug. The redhead wasn't much of a hugger, she had to admit, but this was Molly, and who could say no to her?

"Scar! It's so good to see you!" Said Molly, pulling away from her, with the smile on her face never faltering even once. The redhead gave her friend a smile in return, although she did feel somewhat awkward around the group of old friends.

"Well," Scarlett spoke up, stuffing her hands into her jacket pockets, looking at every single one of them with the same poker face. "It seems like the gang's all back together."

"Don't get used to it— it's most likely not going to last." Gert spoke up in a mutter, not looking at any one of them as she did.

"Just a bundle of joy..." Karolina murmured, her tone barely audible, but Scarlett was near enough to hear her, which drew the redhead's attention to the blonde.

"So," Said Chase, arms folded across his chest as he looked at Scarlett, his brows furrowed slightly as he did. "What brought you here?"

Raising an eyebrow at the Lacrosse player, Scarlett took her phone out of her jeans pocket for emphasis. "Same thing that brought you all here, I suppose." She said nonchalantly.

As if on cue, Alex Wilder himself opened the door, a delighted smile appearing on his face as he did, as if he had been expecting them the entire time. Chase made haste in taking out his own mobile phone, showing him the picture of all of them.

"We got your text." He told him simply, obviously somewhat annoyed.

"Manipulative, sending that photo. Very convincing. I'm almost impressed." Scarlett jumped in, her hands out of her pockets to cross her arms, looking at the Wilder boy. "Almost."

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