Chapter 10

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Matt's pov

I woke up in a morning when my alarm went off. With groans I grabbed my phone and put it on doze. For some reason I was feeling more comfortable than I normally felt in a morning. Sure I wake up early every morning especially after I got the role but today I felt lucky that I didn't have to go set anytime soon. I rolled around and snuggled closer to Esther until I remembered that she had left to New York. When I slowly opened my eyes I saw dyed blond hair and my heart stopped. Last night rushed through my brain when I remembered that I had invited Liz here.

I pulled her closer. Her arm went over my chest and her face was on crook of my neck. Her breathing was calm and it hit my neck tickling little. I started stroking her hair softly and just enjoyed the moment. It was usual that Esther cuddled next to me whenever she was on my place but it didn't feel same.

After while I started hearing quiet mumbling and groaning. "Morning" I whispered quietly like I was scared to make her scared if I spoke too loud. She groaned and tried to bury her face on my chest. I couldn't help but laugh quietly for the adorable view. Her dyed blond hair was messy and it was all I saw. "Don't worry you can still sleep" he whispered placing my lips on her hair hoping that it wouldn't wake her.

Liz' pov
I woke up feeling comfortable and warm. Not like physically warm, but emotionally warm and fluffy. Like the feeling you get after long ass day finally getting into bed. I snuggled closer to whatever I was hugging not really thinking of it more until I felt someone placing kiss on my hair. My eyes snapped open. First I thought it was just Dom but I quickly realized it wasn't. The skin tone was darker than Dom's but still rather white. Slowly I moved my head and immediately recognized that it was Matt.

He was looking back at me. "Did I scare you?" I just shook my head. "No. Just.. didn't remember where I was for a moment" I admit and poked his neck where was small black line. "You were lazy when you cleaned off all the runes" I said and laughed when I realized what the black thing used to be. "It was late and I had been working all day. I was allowed to be lazy" he defended himself. His voice was still low and abit raspy so he haven't been wake too long either.

Sweet Little Secret - M.DDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora