Chapter 9

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//a.n : pic is Liz but as a teen. Since she's 22 she looks slightly older and more mature.. not too much tho//

Liz's pov

I arrived at Matt's apartment and the cab driver asked for money. Panic rushed over me and I started scrolling to find Matt's number.  Someone knocked on the driver's side window. "She is coming for me. I called you" I heard that soothing voice that always calms me down. Matt paid for the cab drive and we went inside.

As we were waiting for the elevator I felt how his hand went on my side and pulled me closer. He obviously sensed that I tensed up because he leaned down. "I'm not going to bite you so just relax" he whispered and planted soft kiss on my temple. The elevator ride was awkward at least it was for me. It felt like I had forgot how to breathe and even swallow. He started opening his door but right before he got it open he turned towards me and pulled me on him. "Why are you like this?" He asked with concern. "Pictures. I explain better once we are in"

"So.. what pictures?" Matt asked as he crushed on his bed while I stood awkwardly on the doorway. "There has been way too many paparazzi and so on pictures of me and Dom on internet that if they see me with any other cast member people will start calling me slut" I explained and started looking where was wc so I could change. "I have on-suite. If you were looking for wc" matt pointed his finger to right direction. "And just don't care about media and what it says they don't know who we are" he added as I was trying to get my pajamas but realized that I had left in such a hurry that I forgot them. "I don't have anything to wear at night" I admit hoping that he would take his chance with pervy joke. Thankfully he just got up and went to his closet.

After few minutes he threw a t-shirt at me and waited my reaction. "Is this..?" I held the shirt up so I could see it better. "Is this one of your Alec shirts?" I looked back at him with you-gotta-be-kidding-me -look. "Yes it is. I won't use it on set anymore so they let me keep it. There is other shirts too" he walked back to bed and laid down while I had overly dramatic sad face. "My emo is evolving" I pouted and went to change. "Trust me he is still the same emo" I heard Matt yelling through the door making me laugh.

//sorry I know it's short 😶//

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