Chapter 2

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Liz' pov
/next day/

I slowly stumbled up from the bed on Dom's guest room. I smiled coffee right when I opened the door. "Aaah oh my god I love you" I said while walking directly to the coffee machine.
"Talking to me or the coffee" Dom asked from living room that was on other side of the wall. "Mainly to the coffee but you made it so partly you too I guess" I knew that Dom hated coffee but he got used to making or getting it when me and Sarah both were addicted to it. I slowly made my way to the couch and crashed down next to Dom and leaned on his side. As I was drinking my coffee I felt Dom's hand around me. It was nothing new that we were being cuddly.  When he was still with Sarah he sometimes were cuddling on Dom's side while we were watching horror movies. "Ready for first part of your present?" He asked and I just shook my head. "Not ready to do anything this early when normal people still sleeps" I wasn't used to getting up so early but Dom wanted to take me to set. He just laughed at me. "Well try to get yourself to be ready and don't bother with makeup today. I managed to talk with Todd and you get to be background person in Hunter's Moon" he said while texting to someone. I was still too sleep to be too curious so I ignored it

Finally after two hours Dom had managed to get me wake enough and to the set. He never left my side since he knew how shy I can be when I meet knew people because I have nothing to talk with them. We arrived assumingly to makeup trailer and Dom got in first. He immediately noticed that I had got nervous already. "Come on. It's just Kat and makeup artists here" he said calmly trying to make me calm down. I slowly made my way in and waved at Kat who greeted us with big smile. She was always so cheery and it surely could brighten up anyones mood. "Hi Dom and hello .. you" she said clearly not either remembering or knowing my name. "I'm katherine. Nice to meet you" "I know" I laughed nervously. "Oh god calm your fangirl down liz" I thought myself before continuing. "I'm Liz. Dom's friend" Dom had walked to sit on chair next to Kat to get ready. I followed him and sat on the counter top next to Dom so I could see both of them better. "Is Isaiah or Harry on set today? I gotta tell them not to scare her to death" Dom asked from Kat who giggled. "Isaiah won't but Harry just texted me that he is almost here" she answered looking her phone again making my eyed widen up. Outside I seemed rather calm but inside I was freaking out. If Harry will be on set so will Matt which I wasn't so sure how calm and normal I could act around him. "So you are our special quest for next few days?" Kat's words snapped me out of my daydreams which Dom noticed and smiled that told me that he knew what I was thinking. "More like a tag along but I guess so" I said with small laugh. It was hard for me to act normal. I don't like to have all the attention on me which Kat seemed to notice. "Just relax. Everyone here is kind and friendly" she turned little so our eyes met. "especially to fans" I just nodded for an answer and breathed in deeply. Her makeup artist started doing her makeup again.

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