Chapter 26

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"You're such a fucking idiot"

"Drew!" My mother reprimanded him, slapping my father upside the head while he continued to wheeze from laughter. I didn't bother commenting, knowing he was right. Liam, Aiden and Tyler however, didn't waste time in joining him in his hysterics. One icy look from Mom and all four men shut up in no time.

"Riley, honey you look like you have a concussion. Maybe you should lie down for a while." My mom gave me a tight lipped smile, obviously trying her best to comfort me. But it was kind of hard to be motherly toward your daughter when you spent more time with your patients than her. I

I sighed in relief at her suggestion, glad that she didn't want to send me to the hospital. I hated that place. The sickening smell of disinfectant and depressing flower portraits were definitely part of it, but that wasn't the reason why I hated it so much. My parents spend more time there than they do at home. They tell me it's for work but I know that they aren't even really that busy, it's like they prefer to be away from Aiden and I. And that just breaks my heart.

I slowly stood up from my position on the couch to make sure I don't get a head spin. Glancing to my right, I gave Ty and Liam an odd look as they shot daggers at one another with their eyes. I looked to Aiden with a questioning glance but he just returned it with an incredulous frown, as if he couldn't believe that I couldn't see what what was going on. I shrugged and made my way upstairs, ready to go to sleep despite me waking up only an hour ago.

"Where are you going?" I whipped around at the sound of my twin's voice.

"Taking a nap..." I trailed off, letting my statement sound more like a request.

"You really are a fucking idiot." My dad chuckled. My mom just rolled her eyes but I could tell that she didn't disagree. I began to grow angry and threw my arms up in exasperation.

"Is there a problem with me taking a nap?! Huh?!" I screeched, taking everybody off guard. Tyler, however, just snickered at my anger. He always finds my 'scary' face hilarious and apparently adorable.

"Al, you can't go to sleep. You have a concussion."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, before realisation dawned upon me. My lips parted in an 'O' shape and my cheeks burned in embarrassment. I quickly scurried back to my spot on the couch, ignoring everyone's stupid teasing laughter.

"Well, sorry kids but Monica and I need to get back to the hospital. It was nice seeing you, Liam. I'm glad you're back. Tell your Aunt and Uncle I said hello." My dad said, removing himself from the indentation he had created in the couch. My mother smiled timidly at us all, knowing that we knew that they didn't actually need to be back at the hospital.

We just weren't important enough to stick around for.

Tyler immediately moved from the end of the couch towards me when the door closed. Lifting me up, he sat me back down on his lap and looped one arm around my waist, the other playing with my black curls. He smiled at Liam ignorantly and he just snarled in return. I rolled my eyes at the boys and spoke up through the awkward silence.

"Should we watch a movie?" I asked, perking my tone up a bit to lighten the mood. The boys grunted in reply. "How about Fifty Shades of Grey?"

"Yeah okay," Liam said at the same time Tyler said;

"No way. It makes me way too horny and it'd be awkward if I banged you in front of Aiden and Liam." He shrugged nonchalantly.

"Tyler!" I shrieked, slapping his shoulder but still blushing profusely. He chuckled underneath me, causing my entire body to ignite in flames.

"What the hell, man? She might be your girlfriend but she's still my sister. Say that again and I'll castrate you" Aiden butted in. I smiled triumphantly and flipped off my boyfriend. I mean, not literally flipped off of him like some kind of Olympic gymnast- even though that would be so awesome- I mean I gave him the finger.

"You know what, I think we should watch it anyway." I decided "You can just suffer, Ty." Liam rolled his eyes fondly and put the movie on.

This will be fun

Okay so it's only half way through the movie, and I already wish I hadn't suggested it. It was making me feel all kinds of things, and having Tyler right underneath me wasn't exactly helping me out.

Holy shit I just wanna jump his bones

Wait, no, no I don't. I am a child of god. Absolutely sinless. Pretty much fresh out the womb.

Ugh who am I kidding? The only thing stopping me from sexually assaulting him are the other two boys in the room.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I cleared my throat so it didn't come out as husky. "I- um. I have to do some urgent math homework that Ty needs to help me with." I announce, leaving him no time to protest and pulling him up the stairs to my room.

Closing the door and locking it, I turned toward my boyfriend to meet even more of an overwhelming desire. His hair was sprawled messily over his forehead, looking incredibly sexy. His jeans were hung dangerously low and his white t-shirt hugged his torso in all the right places.

Was he always this hot?

I wasted no time and pushed him onto my bed so he was on his back. I made my way toward him, removing my shirt in the process. His eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as he drank in my body hungrily.

"What are you doing, Al?" He asked, his voice slightly husky. Instead of responding I climbed on top of him so I was straddling him, one knee planted firmly on each side. I bit my lip and traced his defined torso with my fingertips, shivering involuntarily when I hooked my fingers on the waistband of his jeans. I began to kiss his neck slowly, making sure to leave my mark. He moaned underneath me and finally gave in, connecting his lips with my own.

The same familiar euphoric feeling overwhelmed me as he kissed me so gently, yet to hungrily at the same time. His hands travelled down my body. Pulling away for air, I only now realised that I had removed his shirt and smiled to myself as I took in his incredibly toned body.

I made eye contact with him, his eyes glazed over with lust just like mine. Another wave of heat coursed through my body and I knew that he needed to relieve me of it. I fumbled with his zipper while he effortlessly unclasped my bra. I blushed heavily at being so exposed, incredibly embarrassed by my body.

"You're so fucking beautiful, Riley." He murmured, letting his hands roam free. I finally managed to undo both of our pants and continued removing our clothing until we were both completely naked.

I was about to lose my virginity to the bad boy.

My twin's best friend.

The boy I fell so deeply in love with.

"I love you, Al. But I can't do this. I'm sorry. There's something you don't know about me..."

~ ~ ~

Sooooooo that was a bit steamy. No but fr I think my room just turned into a sauna just from writing this chapter.

Sorry if it was shit

Good stuff is coming soon ;))

-Hollie xoxo

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