Chapter 2

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My lungs burned and my feet ached, but I willed myself not to stop. If I stopped, I was definitely going to die. I've been running ever since I served the food. Someone is bound to realize that I left, and when they do, I can only beg her moon majesty that I'm out of their territory.

what keeps me going, is my will to live. I've always held my head low just to see another day. The clan speaks of humans in disgust. Weaklings. I'm going to live life as a human. It can't get much worse than this. As soon as I make it to town, I'm going to live a normal life.

It would be easier to hide as a human than as a wolf. I have never shifted, this is probably what I'm meant to do. The humans live beyond the great mountain. It will be a two moon trip. I just have to keep moving, and never stop. I never wanted my life so bad. I deserve the chance to be happy and to finally be me. And as I finally crossed the border out of my clan's territory, I felt free.

I couldn't help the small giggle that escaped my lips.

I made it

I looked up at the sky and smiled.

"I MADE IT!" I screamed up at the now scarlet sky.

But the large growl coming off in the distance told me otherwise.

I wasn't scared. If anything I was annoyed with my bad luck. I escape one pack and I might get caught by another? I hate that I feel at peace with the idea of me dying not at the hands of Saphira. Standing completely still, I sniffed out the area. Although my sense of smell and hearing wasn't as strong as the average werewolf, I was able to pick something in the air.

Nothing smelled particularly out of the ordinary to me, but I knew something was definitely there. The way my skin prickled and my heart rate increased ...something was definitely watching me.

A twig snapping made me make a run for it.

I was not going to be the girl who didn't try anymore, I was stronger than that.

I ran as fast as I could, my midnight-colored hair whizzing behind me. Turning behind me, I saw one of the largest wolves I have ever seen in my life, It's Raven colored fur shining in the sun. The jaws snapped at me, confirming that this wolf was not playing around. It wanted death.

It wanted blood.

The size of this wolf was larger than the typical wolf in my clan. Another wolf jumped in front of me, causing me to fall backward.


laying on my back, the wolves shifted back to their human form.

One form was taller than the other and stood with more authority.

"You must be really stupid to pass into our lands, rouge." His voice held much authority, I knew he just had to be highly ranked.


I guess I really am a rouge now.

"I'm just passing through," I spoke standing up from the ground and raising my head high.

The two guys exchanged a look and laughed from their bellies.

"You know you have to ask permission from the Alpha to pass through?"

Alphas kill rouges on the spot, no matter what clan. If these men take me to their Alpha, I was surely dead.

"That won't be necessary. I will be on my way. I won't make any trouble."

Two strong hands gripped my shoulders and threw me on their back. "Oh, no you don't" the shorter one murmured.

I just escaped, I'm not gonna get captured. Punching on his back as hard as I could, I squirmed in his arms.

"Let me go bastard!"

A throaty chuckle echoed through the Forrest.

"Looks like we found ourselves a feisty one, eh?" the taller one spoke, slapping my backside.

"Don't touch me!" I threatened, screaming and throwing my hardest punches

I made another attempt to get out of his arms before something hard hit me on the side of my head knocking me out cold.


BEWARE: Old cringy ass authors note:

Two chapters in one day?!?:D

Well the relatives are over and I locked myself in my room.

I KNOW I can't be the only one that does that xD

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