Chapter 4

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The room we entered was full of Weres. Their heads lowered in obedience as their Alpha entered, and everyone stopped what they were doing awaiting a command or message from their leader. The Alpha stood close in front of me, his back never turning to face me. I'm not sure if it's insulting or reassuring.

"Everyone, Welcome our guest,"

Alpha took one step to reveal me standing behind him. They all scanned me. I'm used to eyes and stares but these were different. I had no way of knowing these Weres intentions. I began to feel subconscious. Fear and mistrust pumped in my veins.

"What are you?" A young wolf asked me with his nose turned upward.

"Oh Mighty moon! Have you no manners, Luca? So rude." Her hair was as auburn as an autumn leaf and her lips were as red as a rose.

"My name is Alaska, and you are?" Her dark brown eyes were so warm and kind, that my name slipped out before I had a chance to think about it.


My name felt foreign on my lips. I haven't actually heard or have been called by my name in years.

Alaska had kind eyes, the kind of eyes you can trust. There was something so sincere. So relatable about her. The feeling couldn't be faked. However, I don't think that's enough to share details about myself. I shouldn't have said my name. That could put an instant target on my back.

"Finally another girl." She practically shimmered.

I could feel the Alpha staring at me. "Beautiful name."

My skin crawled again. "I can assure you, Baya. You are safe here. Welcome to my Rogue Rescue." The Alpha laughs a bit to himself.

Rescue? The question falls dead in my mind.

The young wolf speaks, "We're all running from something. Alpha Arcus brought us under his wing. Hid us in plain sight. Other Alphas wouldn't have been so kind."

"You flatter me, Luca."

Alpha Arcus glances from Luca to me. "Baya, you are no captive. You are welcome to leave whenever you wish. But there's a place for you here if you want it."

I don't know. Why would an Alpha do this? I've heard of no such thing. I was expecting to killed by this point.

"All I ask is that you work you keep," He continues." If you help out around here you will have a hot meal, a place to stay, and protection."

"...A hot meal?" I say after a moment, and some of the rogues laugh.

"Alaska grab her a bowl."

"Yes Alpha."

She turned and grabbed my arm in a gentle grasp and started down the hall. I followed close behind.

I had plans to live life as a human. I was on a mission to make it past the great mountain, and live a normal life. But maybe I could live a normal life here?


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