Chap.22 Finale "The Timeline (1950-2000)"

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The Timeline is officially in place to where the United MacArthurian States might be in 2000, Here is the dates and Time:

1950: Kennedy is Inaugurated as Vice Caesar

1951: The War against Syndicalism and Totalism wages on for another fifteen years, In August, A Factory of Enclave personnel are raided by Mutants

1954: The Iowa-Class Battleship U.S.S. Missouri sinks off the coast of Baja California due to a missile from a NCR Missile Site, This begins a new Civil War on the West coast again. The Missouri never sank deep to the point of no return but was beached and salvaged somewhere in late May and was taken to Pearl Harbor in where it floats today

1954 August 9: Two NCR Rangers use fatmans to destroy a weapons facility near Provo Utah and succeed

1959-1964: War wages in Europe endlessly causing further destabilization and once great empires now fall due to instability and economic situations

1967: The Northern Enclave Fleet begins a relentless bombing campaign against the NCR and Last Frontierian armies, Sacramento and Los Angeles are beyond repair and are abandoned to let nature retake of what was left

1969: The Bombing Campaign in the Western States comes to a halt during the summer of 1969, Edward VIII dies due to old age and Canada is left without a king causing Canada to be out of existence

1970: The First NCR-Brotherhood-Enclave War restarts and tears the MacArthurian States apart, War wages unmercifully and stretches from Des Moines to Chicago and Charleston

1971: The Southern Enclave "Dixie Fighters" Battle Squadron Fleet engages with Brotherhood and NCR fleets off the coast of the Gulf which is now named the Battle of the Gulf of Mexico, Kennedy has had enough of trying to reason with the groups and puts the nations all under a terrorist list.

1975: The Second Battle of Washington D.C. officially begins, After Kennedy had put the two Universe factions on a terrorist watch list, All hell broke loose. The Bombing of Washington D.C. began in the early morning hours of March 15, The Battle would last over fifteen and a half years making this the most big battles ever to be seen. Kennedy abdicates which only serves as fuel to the now spiraling downfall of the United MacArthurian States, Cyborneer and Schadenfreude worked together to get the reanimating machine up and bring MacArthur back to life to stop the chaos.

1977: War in china breaks out with Nuclear bombs being used for the first time in history, The Atom bombings of Beijing and Yokohama were devastating both to the Qing and Japanese Empires, Destabilization And Economic crashes begin which causes the Qing to be ousted which means their is no governing force within the country

1979: The last remains of the United States Navy had fled to the Panama Canal while the South Dakota-Classes, Montana-Classes, and Iowa-Classes remained under the command of Cyborneer, The Missouri is repaired and was given to Schadenfreude who's nation was fighting against the remnants of the Last Frontierian Liberation Army, NCR Rangers, and Brotherhood Paladins. Progress on the reanimating machine has been halted due to the serve bombing of the Research Station V at Albuquerque, Cyborneer and Schadenfreude meditate of how to solve the war and bring an end to it.

1980: The last of the Montana's, Iowa's, and South Dakota Classes of Battleships are sunk at the Battle of Washington D.C.

1980: Huey Long dies due to his failure of a second American Union State revival, William Dudley Pelley tries to hold Washington as long as he can but dies due to a bullet wound in his chest.

1981: Kaiser Wilhelm II passes away due to natural causes and is replaced by a National Populist named Rudolf Hess, Oswald Mosley dies due to heart failure, The last Totalists are completely wiped off the earth.

1982-1989: Kansas City and Union Station become under relentless fighting, Cyborneer and Schadenfreude get MacArthur's body and preserve him, The project to revive him goes almost at the speed of light while Albuquerque is surrounded by Paladins, Rangers, and Tesla troopers.

1990: General Douglas MacArthur arises and returns from the deep sleep of death but is very tired but once he hears of what happened between the years that he was dead, He felt deeply wounded and sad of how much that the Brother fighting Brother war was going on. MacArthur's Announcement that he is now alive stirs the conflict into a scrape the barrel which halts immediately, He called upon the leaders of each faction to meet him in Washington D.C., MacArthur boards the Missouri and makes his way to Washington D.C.

1990-1999: All the factions agree to stop the fighting which was signing a peace deal with everyone, MacArthur is very old and hooked to a machine but he can move around and go out side. Cyborneer begins to work on reanimating serums, Schadenfreude makes Cascadia his home away from home.

2000: During the New Years, The state of the world of Kaiserreich has gone threw so much that it could be described as a post war epidemic. With MacArthur now back in power everyone decided that it was time to officially put an end to all of the brother wars that caused destabilization and weakened the spirit of America, It was all now up to MacArthur to decided of what the 21st century would be for America, It would be for Space Exploration. The United MacArthurian States was in rebuilding which would become a new era for the nation of America.

____________________________The End_______________________________

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