Chap.20 "April 5, 1950: The Saddest Day In History"

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On April 5 1949, When the clock turned to 12:00 PM, General of the Armies and Greater American Caesar Douglas MacArthur is Assassinated during his tour in Dallas Texas in an area known as Daley Plaza, The gunman was identified as Andronicas "Andy" Owen, A Former Lieutenant and Engineer in the OWN Army. While touring Dallas, MacArthur and everyone of the American Alliance were cheering as his motorcade went by. The Former Lieutenant was in a state in which could only be described as defeat and wanted revenge for what the American Caesar did to OWN, Having believed that OWN could have been revived through this well planned Assassination against the American Caesar, However, This would probably if not be the last thing that this lone engineer would do.

The Assassination of Douglas MacArthur was probably if not the most notable historic events in American History, Owen had shot the American Caesar at point blank range which his wife Jean had tried to shield him but MacArthur could not risk losing his wife and instead shielded her while looking at Owen. While looking at Jean, MacArthur's eyes were as she described it in her diary that "His eyes were lifeless once I looked up, Like Candle Wax". Once Jean had let go of MacArthurs lifeless dead body as the motorcade speeded up, They were now on their way to Parkland Memorial Hospital. Meanwhile the crowd was in panic and fear while the Enclave and Alliance Forces were trying to keep the peace, In the Crowd, Huey Long and top Alliance members started to rush after Owen. The Crowd of people began as well to rush after the perpetrator and chased him into the Texas School Book Depository Building that was near the curb, The Book Depository was used by the school administration for books but was closed due to the building being decommissioned. Upon arriving, Long, Autumn, Horrigan, Dornan, Nora, and Nicholas Valentine had rushed and bumped into a coca-cola machine that was being occupied with Owen acting as if nothing ever happened.

 Upon arriving, Long, Autumn, Horrigan, Dornan, Nora, and Nicholas Valentine had rushed and bumped into a coca-cola machine that was being occupied with Owen acting as if nothing ever happened

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(A stunning photo believed to be taken by Miss Mary Moorman showing Douglas shielding his wife just after a few seconds of the first shot, April 5 1950.)

Once Horrigan and Long had tackled Owen down, All command was to be placed into Colonel Autumn who was now De Facto Leader of the United MacArthurian States. This shooting caused tension in between the main Fallout and TF2 Freaks of who should led but John Fitzgerald Kennedy had came forward and said that America needs a leader, JFK was a known honest and kind man and was angry. By the time word got out about MacArthur being shot, All hell broke loose, Washington was being engulfed in another political chaos rebellion between both Democrats and Republicans threatening to take over command of the White House. It just goes to show that these Democrats and Republicans are nothing more than trouble makers to the Enclave and Sturmabteilung, Schadenfreude and Autumn were very brutal in tactics against the two parties and had them shut out of existence forever.

Autumn's Tesla Troopers And Schadenfreude's Greyshirted Sturmabteilung had stormed Democratic and Republican Headquarters, The two had the leaders of the both obstructionist parties arrested and thrown in jail. The Minuteman, NCR Rangers, and Federalists with SGT Dornan had raided left wing parties and made them obsolete within minutes. JFK was already in the White House with Long who were very worried and wanted to keep the MacArthurian Dream alive within America, Meanwhile, Syndicalists who with Jack Reed at the time of the Second American Civil War wanted to be present at MacArthur's funeral, This was accepted under tight supervision. Cyborneer was busy working on the life extension machine which was only around 99% complete.

(The Funeral of the Greater American Caesar in progress with all members of the Alliance present, MacArthur's body being carried around on a carriage

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(The Funeral of the Greater American Caesar in progress with all members of the Alliance present, MacArthur's body being carried around on a carriage.)

The most enraged faction in the Alliance was non other than the Enclave, Horrigan and Dornan were if not the most pissed off people on the planet due to the Assassination, Autumn was also overwhelmed with sadness with Eden as well. A memorial was constructed in Arlington where MacArthur remains today, The memorial is called the "Eternalness Flame" in which it symbolizes the passion and remembrance of what MacArthur was trying to do. MacArthur before he was Caesar, Had written in his diary called "My Fight for America United" , He wanted America united and free. Douglas had Charisma that would give more hope to people and show them the way to victory, He would also do his best to save the nation.

While his diary was unfinished, Jean MacArthur had written into it and ended it with a horrific experience. Since his diary was published, It was estimated that over a Million copies were sold in the MacArthurian States since 1951. Here is the cover art of the Greater American Caesars diary:

("My Fight For America United" cover art with the American Caesar's hand writing on it, Note, I am not hinting for a possible story here on Wattpad, This is just cover art of the fictional book

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("My Fight For America United" cover art with the American Caesar's hand writing on it, Note, I am not hinting for a possible story here on Wattpad, This is just cover art of the fictional book.)

Still hailed as if not the greatest hero of the Second Civil War and Peacekeeper And Protector of America, Douglas MacArthur will always remain in the hearts of Americans throughout the ages. The Greater American Caesar has now faded away into the afterlife in the most saddening matter ever in the history of the United MacArthurian States, But, Now with JFK in power, What will happen next?.

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