Chapter 16

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I realized I'd be having to spend a lot more time with the boys than I'd thought, so I might as well try to get along with them. I guess Zayn isn't so bad, at least I know for a fact he's engaged to Perrie Edwards, so I can't get romantic bullshit from him, or from Louis for that matter.

That left Niall, Liam, and Harry. Liam, well, he's just Liam. More of a brother than possible lover. Harry is different. He comes off like an asshole but he can be really chill. Niall is most like me, good to talk to and always up for a laugh.

The thing is that it doesn't take too much for Niall to open up to people. But I'm different. I can't trust people as fast as he can. And I might take more time to trust him than he is willing to give me.

On a lighter note, I was hungry, going through period cravings, and I knew for a fact that there was no chocolate on the bus. This should be fun.


Do I even really like her? I mean, how seriously in love can I be when I've barely known her for 3 days?

I think I'll wait for her to give me any signs. Even though she did tell me she'd take me over Harry, that could mean a whole number of things. Skylar wasn't exactly one of the more normal people I've met in my life, and I'm deciding that that might not be a good thing.

I was trying to get to sleep when I heard Skylar from the front of the bus singing "I need chocolate yes I do, get me some you British fools" to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

I slid out of my bunk to find Skylar laying on the couch hitting her face with a pillow. "Do I want to no what's wrong?" I asked, slightly annoyed from having just woke up, yet at the same time amused to see what her answer would be.

"I'm on my period and I want, no I need chocolate. Like, now." Yep, didn't want to know. Regardless, I asked the bus driver to stop at the next gas station so we could get Skylar some stuff. This week should be fun.


Half an hour later, we pulled unto the lot of some random gas station. and Skylar got off with Liam so she could get her stuff.

Seconds later I heard a scream and ran outside. The sight in front of me was not pretty.

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