Chapter 14

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I got a phone call from a blocked number, but I answered regardless.


"Is this Skylar Ross?"

"This is she. How may I help you?"

"Trevor Asper isn't dead. He is out of jail"

And the line buzzed, signaling that whoever the other person was had hung up. He wasn't dead? Wait, but how?

A couple of years back, I remember the man who took away my most precious gift from god. The one I had intended to save for someone that I loved.

In the police chase that ensued, they had told me he had gotten shot and killed. The fact that he was alive and out of jail scared me, I felt that if I wasn't careful he could reach me again, and that honestly freaked me out.

But as much as I wanted to go hide in the forest, now wasn't the time to bug out. I'm going to be leaving with the boys and I can't deal with this right now. I'll have to suck it up for now.

I put on a brave face and told Liam I'd tell him when I was ready to relive the pain, if it was really worth suffering and going through the first time.

So to the back of my head, Trevor. I'm hanging in One Direction territory now.



My stomach knotted up at the sight of Liam comforting Skylar. Despite their claims that they were just friends, the photos had done nothing to ease my anxiety. I decided to go ask Skylar out, on a date of course, before Liam could.

I head them talking and hung back a little, hidden from their view but I could still hear them.

"So you don't like any of the boys?"

"I didn't say that either, Li. Its just that I don't really think any of us are looking for anything at the moment. Plus Zayn is engaged and I'm pretty sure Niall hates my guts."

My heart sank as she said that.

"What would make you think that?" My question exactly, Liam.

"Well he doesn't even look me in the eyes when we talk, and he acts like he is trying to ignore me most of the time. Today in the kitchen I basically admitted I liked him and he didn't react, like nothing at all."

"Aww come on Skylar-" Liam was interrupted by a phone ringing. Just my luck, it happened to be mine.

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