Bye, Bye Haku <3 You shall be missed.

Começar do início

Actually, now that I think of it, he didn’t even have to move.

“Let me go!!” I whine, flailing wildly.

He tugs lightly on my collar, pulling me back. “Tell me.”

“Tell you what?” I ask innocently, smiling sweetly. His lips tug down into a small frown through his mask and I sigh softly, cursing my soft side. “Alright. When I ran away forever ago, because I was mad at you, he found me in the woods and we talked for a bit. And he said some stuff and now I think he’s right…”

“Mhn.” Kakashi leans in. “What stuff?”

I grin wickedly. “Now, I don’t want to embarrass you or anything.”

His eye narrows. I giggle lightly, turning back to the two memorials. My smile fades, a forlorn sadness piercing through my happy façade, and I jump slightly. “Kakashi!”

Kakashi’s brow furrows. “Yeah?”

“You brought Zabuza-moo to Haku, right? You let him die beside him?” I frown slightly.

He nods.

I let out a breathy sigh of relief and nod, hand finding his and squeezing tight. He squeezes back and the soft coos of an owl hoots from the distance-reminding us of the time.

“Ready to go?” He asks lightly.

“Just ignore me if I start to cry again.” I nod, holding my arms out to him.

He nods and lifts me up, holding me to his chest in the popular bridal-style. Arms winding around his neck, I burry my face into the crook of his neck and close my eyes.

“Hey Kakashi?” I murmur softly.


“Is it later yet?”

I smile slightly as he scowls, flashing me a dirty look. “You can’t have Pakkun.”Pressing my lips to his jaw bone, I snicker softly and hug him tightly around the neck.

“I’ll break you, eventually.”

“We’ve completed the bridge, thanks to you.” Tazuna says, smiling happily. “We’re all going to miss you.”

The whole town has come to bid us goodbye, as we stand beneath the large entrance grate to the new bridge. I stand beside Kakashi, chakra mostly recharged, and our fingers are laced together tightly. Naruto holds my other hand, grinning cheekily and waving with his other.

“Now, now, old man, we’ll come visit you someday.” Naruto laughs.

My eyes flicker to Inari. The poor kid is trying not to cry. “Promise?”

“Inari, you’re going to get lonely. You can cry. Go ahead, cry.” Naruto’s eyes begin to water and I smile warmly, squeezing his hand.

“I’m not going to cry!” Inari smiles widely, “You can cry, too, Naruto.”

Naruto and Inari pause for a few moments, trying hard not to cry, and I look up to Kakashi. He flashes me a wary look, which makes me laugh, and Naruto turns away abruptly to hide the tears that stream steadily down his cheeks.

I ruffle his hair and we all turn around, taking our first steps onto the completed bridge.

“Hey, hey, guess what.” I whisper-hiss, poking Kakashi in the cheek.

“What?” He flashes me an irritated look.

“We are the first people to use this bridge!!” I shout, pumping my fist into the air happily. “Isn’t that awesome?”

“Kakashi-sensei?!” Naruto grins wildly. “Will you treat us to ramen like Alex-sensei promised?”

Kakashi groans loudly, squeezing my hand. “Why did you promise that?”

I grin. “Of course he will, Naruto.” I pat Kakashi on the shoulder lightly.

“Hey, Sasuke-kun!” Sakura grins, “When we get back to the village, will you go on a date with me?”

“No, I decline.” Sasuke grouches.

Sakura falls behind, depression and rejection plaguing her features, and Naruto stops to help her. I smile happily and look to Kakashi, only to find him smiling down at me as well.

“Hey, hey.” Naruto whispers to Sakura. “I will!”

“SHUT UP, NARUTO!” Sakura screams and pushes him over, running back to us.

I laugh as Naruto returns to my side, little fingers intertwining with my own.

Fast Forward- (I’m too lazy to write about their trip back lol)

“Kakashi?” I whine from the couch, bundled up in a cocoon of blankets.

Said male walks into the den, eyes lazily locating my burrito form, and leans against the wall warily, yawning loudly. “What do you want, Lex-chan?”

I smile wickedly, eyes glancing over his body appreciatively. Wearing a tight black tank-top that connects to his mask and light gray sweats, you can easily see his well toned muscles. Kakashi’s hair falls around his face-ninja bad torn off and probably littering the floor of his room with all his other clothes.

“Come sit with meee.” I smile sweetly.

“It’s two o’clock in the morning, Alex.” He whines softly, but subduing to my command. “And the kids have missions tomorrow.”

“Poop.” Is my simple reply.

He crawls onto the couch, scooping me up so I can rest in his lap, and turns so his legs stretch out across the couch-toes dangling over the edge. The television cuts back to the movie, le lovely Paranormal Activity, and I uncurl the blanket from around my body and throw it over the both of us.

“This counts as your movie.” He says tiredly.

“What movie?” I scowl slightly, confused.

“Never mind.”

I ignore him and focus on the movie, squealing at the scary parts and hiding my face in Kakashi’s chest. Eventually, I start to drift off.

Looking up, I see Kakashi already fast asleep.

Reaching up, I toy with the edge of his mask, smiling slightly. I can feel him stiffen beneath me, heart beating rapidly in his chest, and lean up-pressing my lips to his soft masked ones.

“Night, Kakashi.”

I settle back down on his chest, hand reaching for the remote absently.

He shifts slightly beneath me. The tv flickers off and Kakashi settles back down, hand resting against the small of my back. Warm lips press against my forehead, and with a gasp I realize that Kakashi’s mask doesn’t cover them. But when I look up, I scowl when I see that he’s tugged it back on and squeezed his eye shut-pretending to be asleep.

 Grumbling mild curses, I settle back down.

“Night, Alex.”

Mild fluff :3 I figured I’d end this chapter with something remotely sweet, instead of Sakura and Naruto arguing. I have finally figured out how the rest of this story will play out. (for those of you who read this and aren’t my fans-cuz you didn’t get the memo XP)

There will be a lot of fluff, spice, and A LOT of tear jerking parts. I am warning you now. It will be like a roller coaster. There will be twists and turns and OHMYSWEETBABYCARROTS moments. So now you can’t kill me :3 also, I don’t think I will be doing a sequel for this story. I think I will end it as I end it and then maybe to an epilogue and that be it.    

Anywho, enjoy! And don’t worry-there’s still a lot left of this story. I found the song on youtube T-T i think it's really pretty. And the pic is basically what Kakashi looks like in his pjs, although he has manboobs XP


Desire (Kakashi) - Indefinite HiatusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora