Playful Heart [15] Sissy That Walk

Start from the beginning

I slowly opened the door and walked in, then jumped when I heard a voice from behind me. “Finally, I get you alone.” Victor sighed and I heard the door close. I turned around and smiled at him. “Why don’t I get us a drink?” He walked off and I quickly ran to the window, throwing it open. I felt relief wash over me again when I saw Nate give me thumbs up from a tree branch.

“Do you enjoy the night?” Victor asked as he returned with our drinks. I turned around and smiled at him, taking the drink from his hand.

“I do. It’s very calming.” I answered truthfully. I loved sitting out in the woods or on the roof at night back home. Sometimes I would fall asleep, and my dad would find me and carry me inside to my bed. I felt my stomach twist as I realized how much I missed my dad. As soon as this was done, we were going home and I was going to apologize and make things right with my dad.

“Are you alright? Your face seems to have fallen.” He reached his hand forward and touched my cheek. I wanted to flinch away, but fought the urge and let him caress it.

“I was just thinking of a fond memory.” I whispered and he smiled, closing the distance between us.

“Well why don’t I make you happy?” He asked, his tone and actions suggestive and I suddenly felt pissed. I backed away from him and he frowned.

“Aren’t you married?” I asked and his expression seemed to grow livid. “I am. But my wife and I have separated at the moment. I honestly don’t think she’ll ever be coming back.” I caught the hidden meaning in his words and my heart fell in my stomach.

“I think I should go.” I said and started towards the door when Victor grabbed my arm roughly, causing me to drop the drink in my hand. His hand twirled in my hair and he gave it a hard pull, and I gasped as I felt the extensions rip from my scalp. He pulled away and looked at the hair in his hands, then back at me with wide, angry eyes.

“Who are you?” He asked and I felt all my anger from earlier come flooding back.

“I’m your fairy godmother. Bibbidi bobbidi boo BITCH.” I snapped and drew my leg up so my knee slammed into his crotch. I quickly walked to the door as I heard feet land on the floor and right when I closed the door, I heard the sound of the silencer go off on the gun and a heavy thump followed. I hurried down the stairs and saw Noel waiting just as he said. As soon as he saw me and my messed up hair, he quickly met me at the bottom and hid my head from everyone as we walked out. Once we were far enough from the mansion, Noel uncovered me and I sighed.

“What happened?” He asked, turning towards a path in the woods. I stopped to take the heels off before catching up to him.

“Fucker tried to go in, and when he yanked my hair he pulled it out. Nate and Hazel came in just in time or else I would’ve ripped hi a new one.” I snapped and I heard Noel chuckle. We approached the white van parked on a dirt road and the side door opened to reveal a worry faced Lysander. He raced up to meet us and wrapped his arms around me.

“Thank God. When Hazel and Nate got here without you, I thought—“ He stopped and pulled away so I could see his face. I smiled and patted his cheek. “I’m fine. Just a sore scalp is all.” I told him and started towards the van.

“Did he rip out your hair?” Hazel gasped as I took a seat and Lysander closed the door.

“Yeah, he did. And I’m pretty sure he pulled some of my real hair too.” Noel actually laughed out loud at that one and I reached over and smacked his arm. He choked on his laugh and then cleared his throat. “Sorry. Not funny.” I rolled my eyes at him and couldn’t help but crack a smile. Essie started the engine and we drove for a while before pulling out onto the main road.

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