His jaw clenched as I shook my head, and I placed my eyes back on the ground.

"Good," he growled, and the rest of the spectators left the scene along with them.

I pulled myself from the ground and limped to my quarters.  Once a run-down tool shed, now held my life's possessions. It wasn't much. My cot from a child, some clothes, and a single book. It missed most of its pages, I never knew the title. But it provided me comfort to read the few pages it did have. By the time I am inside and changed my garments, my wounds have begun to heal and by evening I had no scars. My body is the one thing I know loves me. It has never allowed me to be hurt for too long.

The next morning I'm awake before the rest of the pack. Falcon assigned me to be the pack house's helper. Most mornings I wait for the command of Saphira to give me my duties, usually, she sends a pup or letter of all my chores for the day. But, I have done the duties for a while and memorized what is expected. The wolves always eat breakfast. I collect the eggs, milk the goats,  and prepare the porridge. The garden has wild strawberries which Coal has a sweet affliction towards. The pack elders hate spices of any kind so I make sure not to include them in their meals. I do everything around here, the cooking, the cleaning, I even watch the pups so that their parents can hunt. It's overwhelming, but I'll surely take it over the beatings.

Being half-human wasn't all that bad when I was younger. All the pups were weak back then, they had good hearing and smell but I really didn't care about that and neither did Coal or Falcon. But now, I've been living in hell for years, and I hate every bit of it. I hate that I'm  different and will never fit in any of the societies. Saphira is from the Volos territory, she met Falcon at a Lunar ceremony and she came to live here, but she hasn't been a fan. She would tell stories of the Volos clan and how strong and cruel their community was. No mercy.

With an outside world so cruel,  I fear that my clan is the best it's going to get for me. To be a werewolf is to become pain. I don't think I can handle much more. I don't belong with the humans nor do I belong with the wolves, they are the reason for my mother's death, both communities would foam at the mouth to harm me.

Making my way into the kitchen I pulled out the ingredients.

Dried Fish


large bowl of porridge

a pot of stewed Rabbit

After cooking all the food I was hot, sweaty, and tired. And the dew has not yet left the grass. As all the Weres piled into the dining hall, I started to lay the food out on the large table. There were always stares from the pack. Every move I made they watched as if any moment I'd spring into thick fur and howl loud enough to shake the forest. I was different. Different isn't always good.

"She smells funny." One of the pups spoke, making some of the pack members howl from laughter.

"Mind your tongue, pup." Coal scolded with a smile.

"How come she doesn't bathe?" the pup continued.

"The same reason why trash doesn't." Saphira replied, a smirk playing on her lips. Falcon avoided all eye contact, but I could feel his eyes. 

"Don't worry we'll find a way to take the trash out."I continued to pass out the food and reminded myself to ignore all the eyes on me. Though I know Saphira's eyes were on me. She laughed at her comment but it left me uneasy.

The dishes were piled so high, my neck strained to look at the top. It's going to take forever for me to wash all halfway through the dishes, my stomach growled so loud, it could have been mistaken for a wolf. I took the dishes to the nearby stream and caught a glimpse of myself in the water.

The King of Fire (Wolfsbane #1)Where stories live. Discover now