Hetalia-Spamano 1p version

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Title: Hetalia-Spamano 1p version-The Date

Lovino's pov

As I was getting ready for me and Antonio's date, I heard a knock on the door.

"Honey, are you finished yet?" Antonio said from the other side of the door. He was talking about me switching what type of shirt to wear.

I look at the shirt I'm wearing right now. 'Ew. Why did i even buy this flower shirt.' I took it off and looked in my closet.

I chose a black button up shirt and rolled up the sleeves halfway. I walk out and see Antonio on his phone, sitting on the couch.

I coughed out loud to get his attention. "Romano...you look amazing," Antonio said as he put down his phone. I blush profusely at his words.

"Ummmm......let's go now, I-idiot,"Antonio chuckled and took his keys.


We arrived at the restaurant and Antonio looked at the waiter. She looked up and blushed. "Under Fernández"

The girl nodded and took us to our seats. She gave us the menus and went away.

"What do you want. Don't worry I will pay for us" He said to me.

I nodded and ordered what I wanted. Antonio called the waiter over and told her what we wanted. I wasn't paying much attention to her before but I noticed that she unbuttoned her shirt.

She leant down a bit showing her breasts while Antonio looked at the menu.

I sat there with my arms crossed and glaring at her. I looked away for a moment and looked back to see her hand on my man. My eyes widen.

'SHE TOUCHED HIM!!! WTF! I mean like he's hot BUT WE ARE ON A DATE' I raged in my mind. She giggled and nodded and went to the back.

I scoffed and glared at her direction. I guess Antonio heard me and looked at me. "Are you alright?" He asks.

"Yes, I am perfectly fine," I said sarcastically to him. He didn't look fazed at what I said. Being the carefree person Antonio is, he chuckled.

"Who made you mad this time?" He asked, curious of what made me mad.

"Her. Did you not see the way she looked at you. Did you see her breasts that were in your face. I'm pretty sure you liked those boobies in your face but you don't want show it" While I was ranting, I could clearly see everyone was looking at us.

I decided to stop and blush from embarrassment. Antonio, though, kept on smiling and didn't mind the embarrassment.

Before he could say anything to me, the waiter came back. She put the food down on Antonio's side carefully and gave him his drink. She basically threw my food down but didn't give me my drink nicely.

Oh no. She 'accidentally' tripped and it spilt all over my jeans. I gasped in horror in what she has done. She didn't look sorry though.

"I'm s-" She started but I cut her off. "YEAH RIGHT, YOU'RE 'SORRY'. WE WERE PEACEFULLY ON OUR DATE BUT YOU HAVE TO GO AND RUIN IT!!!!" I yelled at her.

Antonio got up and looked at everyone. He apologised and payed for their food even though they didn't eat anything.

He grabbed my hand and dragged me out into the parking lot. He pushed me into the car and buckled my seat belt. He started the car and drove off to their home.


The car ride home was silent. Neither of us wanted to say anything but we knew we had to. "I'm sorry," Antonio said. "I shouldn't have taken you there. There were many more romantic places I could've taken you but I chose this one."

I felt sorry that he apologised to me even though it was my fault. I nodded and grabbed his hand. I enlaced our fingers together as he drived with his other hand.

We looked at each other and smiled.

"I love you."

"I love you too, you bastard."


Wow we actually updated. Nobody reads this book so I'm pretty sure that no one cares. But anyways, we will update sometime in the future.

Love,mommy and daddy

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