Chapter 15: Neighborhood Watch

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Crash Site Bravo
Red Base

Lopez and Lopez 2.0 stand outside of Red Base as Lopez tells his story.

Lopez 2.0: ¡¿Un espantapájaros?! (A scarecrow?!)

Lopez:  Sip. (Yep.)

Lopez 2.0: ¿Te dejaron ahí pasando el rato con las verduras? (They just left you hanging out there with all the vegetables?)

Lopez: Toma noventa días para cultivar maíz. (It takes about 90 days to grow corn.)

Lopez 2.0: ¡Eso es terrible! (That's terrible!)

Lopez: No era lo mejor. (It was not the best.)

Sarge yells out to the Lopezes.

Sarge: Hey, Lopezes! Come over here and gimme a hand. I keep havin' to get on my knees to work on this. But I figure it'd be easier if you held it at chest level instead!

Lopez 2.0: ¡Sí, señor! (Yes, sir!)

But before 2.0 can leave, Lopez stops him.

Lopez: Espera. Hay una cosa que me gusta de está gente.(Wait. There is one thing about these people I do like.)

Lopez 2.0: ¿Qué? (What?)

Lopez shouts to Sarge.

Lopez: ¡Sargento! ¿Por qué no quieres ponerte en rodillas?¿Tienes miedo que traerá de vuelta recuerdos reprimidos? (Hey, Sarge! Why don't you want to get on your knees? Afraid it will bring back some repressed memories?)

Sarge: Ha! Lopez, you ol' kidder you. Now come on, time's wastin'.

Lopez 2.0 looks at Lopez, then at Sarge.

Lopez 2.0: ¡Oye Sargento... apestas!(Hey, Sarge... You smell!)

Sarge: Oh, don't tell me he's got you in on it too. Ha ha, Lopez you are rambunctious.

Lopez looks at 2.0.

Lopez: A veces él conforma conversaciones enteras. (Sometimes he makes up entire conversations.)

Lopez continues shouting back to Sarge.

Lopez: ¡Eres un inútil! (You suck!)

Sarge: It is a lovely day, isn't it?

Lopez 2.0: Y no eres inteligente. (And you aren't smart.)

Sarge: Thank you for noticing! I have been hitting the gym!

Lopez: Tu madre es tan gorda que usa una escala de richter. (Your mother's so fat she uses a richter scale.)

Lopez 2.0: ¡Y ella es una puta! (And she's a whore!)

Sarge: He, he. You two are like a couple of three stooges! Well, whenever you're done goofin' off, come help me with with this. I just need to make a few more adjustments.

Lopez: Quédate conmigo, chico. Y te irá bien. (Stick with me, kid. And you're going to be just fine.)

Blue Base

Washington approaches Blue Base.

Washington: Here goes nothing.

Freckles walks in front of him.

Freckles: Agent Washington.

Washington: Oh, Freckles. I didn't see you there. Man, for a behemoth you hide really well!

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