Chapter 3: New Girl

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Saturday. 11:58am.

Migraine like no other.

    Cleo woke up and panicked as she saw she was in a brand new place that wasn't her new room.

    "Where the hell..." she whispered.

    "Morning, sunshine. About time you woke up." Toni said as she walked over and handed her a cup of water and two pain killers. It clicked in Cleo's mind that they were at Toni's house.

    "What happened last night? And how did we get here?"

      "Well, we had a grand fucking time that's for sure. You met some of my friends, you danced like no one was watching...shots. You had a TON." Toni laughed. "I knew we'd be great friends. You confirmed that when you just kept on going with the alcohol. Pigs pulled up and I dragged you out before you could go any further with swee-" Toni was cut off by Cleo groaning.

    "Getting shitfaced is worst than what I remember." She said before popping the pain killers in her mouth, followed up by chugging the water.

     "Oh my god. My mom. I gotta go." Cleo panicked once more when she realized she  didn't come home to her mom as planned. She grabbed all of her belongings as quickly as possible before stopping at the door.

     "Also, Toni, thank you. I really appreciate you for taking me out and taking care of me afterwards. See you soon?"

    "No problem, Lazuli. See you soon." Toni smiled seeing how she finally has a female friend in her life.


      Cleo stumbled in her house a few minutes later and immediately saw her mom sitting at the kitchen island, firmly gripping her cup of coffee.

    "Mom..." Cleo whispered, afraid of the outcome.

    "Cleo, oh my god. You had me worried for hours." She said as she took Cleo in her arms.

"You're not mad?"

     "No, of course I'm not mad. Why would I be? And what the hell happened to your face?" Brandi gasped as she traced along the bruise.

"What? What do you mean?" Cleo walked into the bathroom and realized there were a few purple marks near her right eye and on her cheekbone.

"I honestly have no idea."

Monday. 6:45am.

The most annoying alarm clock rang loudly and bounced off the walls of Cleo's room. Even though it was annoying, it did the job. The way everyone gets ready to conquer the day; Cleo brushed her teeth, took a quick shower, put on her makeup and clothes, and lastly put the necessary items for school in her reasonable-sized black shoulder purse. With a faded small bruise remaining on her face, she was out the door and on her way to Southside High.

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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 12, 2018 ⏰

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