Chapter 1: New Beginnings

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A new start.
Old past.
This is an opportunity for me to leave everything behind and start all over. Create a new life. Create a new me. A me that would be happy. A me that wasn't afraid to live.

I snapped back into reality when my mom waved her right hand in my face to get my attention, her other hand gripped on the steering wheel.

"Did you even hear anything I said?" my mom said annoyed.

"Sorry, mom. I was lost in my own world. What'd you say?"

"Moving to this whole new town is scary. We don't know what to expect, ya know? But just remember that we're moving here to better our lives. This is for us. You and I. So, don't shut me out, alright? We need each other."

She smiled and gently took my hand in hers.

"Got it mom." I smiled back.

It's been my mom and I for a few months now. A sensitive yet INSANE topic with my dad, we'll get to that later. Anyways, he's out of the picture now.


Hours passed.

"Cleo, honey. Wake up. We're finally here." My mom eagerly saying.

"This is our home now" she sighed in relief.

I clicked the home button on my phone. Thursday. 7:28am.

"Cleo, how about we go wash up first and then unload the truck? I feel gross." she said while laughing.

"Sounds good to me."


After hours of sitting in a car, I finally freshened up. I put on some comfortable clothes and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Time to unwind." I said to myself before putting my hair up in a towel so the water dripping from my hair wouldn't bother me while unloading the truck.

(The outfit Cleo is currently wearing)

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(The outfit Cleo is currently wearing)

An hour later of unloading, there were still just a few boxes left. As Cleo was trying to take out one of the bigger, heavier boxes, the box managed to slip out of Cleo's hands and onto the hard pavement.

"Fucking shit." she groaned.

"Language!" Her mom yelled back, fumbling into the house while also carrying a box.

As Cleo bent down to pick up the box, she heard a slight chuckle from someone behind her. She quickly turned around and saw a girl that seemed around her age. She had bright pink streaks in her hair and was dressed in black from head to toe. Cleo was admiring her leather jacket before the girl finally broke the awkward silence.

"Toni Topaz. I live right next door. I was just about to head out but it seems like you're having some trouble." Toni laughed.

"Hey, um, Cleo. Cleo Lazuli. Just got here today. There's only a few boxes left, I think I'll manage." Cleo said while shaking her neighbor's hand.

"Cleo, don't forget to— oh. Hello there." Cleo's mom stopped as she realized there was more than one person in her driveway.

"Hi. I live next door. The name's Toni Topaz." Toni smiled at the older woman.

"Brandi Lazuli." Cleo's mom smiled back and shook the hand of the girl with pink hair.

"Well I better get going, nice to meet you both. Oh and, welcome to Riverdale!" Toni shouted as she continued to walk away.

WHOOP ALRIGHT INTRODUCTION IS DONE. Sorry it's short but this is how the story goes in my mind so it's good to separate it out, chapter by chapter. Chapters will be longer as the story furthers. Sweet pea comes in the next chapter! I decided to make Cleo and Toni best friends and neighbors because 1. they would look badass together. 2. "Lazuli" is also a gemstone along with "Topaz".

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