Chapter 2: Killer Moves

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Night one: complete.
Friday. 11:24 am.

"It wasn't that bad." Brandi said while flipping pancakes.

"I mean, it's better than that hellhole we used to call home." Brandi turned to look at her Daughter.

"Can't deny you on that." Cleo said with pancakes stuffed in her mouth.

"I have some things to take care of today. Wanna come with? We can stop by the mall or something. Finally settle down and have some mother-daughter time." asked a also pancake-stuffed-mouth Brandi.

Cleo wants nothing more than to start a new life considering her past. She could see it in her mom that the feeling is mutual.

"Sure, mom. I'd love that. Let me head up and get ready."


"Let's start this off right." Cleo whispered while connecting her phone to a Bluetooth speaker. With just the touch of a finger, rock music from Cleo's playlist, "morning hype", started blasting out of the speakers.

Air guitar, brushing teeth, singing into a hair brush, jumping on the bed, applying makeup. It was your typical movie montage of a teenage girl getting ready. There was a faint knock on the door.

"Cleo, are you ready by any chance?" called her mom.

"Yeah, mom. I'm ready. Be down in a bit."

A few minutes passed. I was stumbling down the stairs, putting on my shoes.

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(Causal outfit Cleo's wearing to run errands with her mom)

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(Causal outfit Cleo's wearing to run errands with her mom)

"'Yeah, mom! I'm ready!'" Brandi mocked while laughing at her daughter rushing to the car.

Right as Cleo's hand gripped the car door handle, there was a loud motorcycle engine that just started but quickly turned off.

"Yo! Lazuli! I was meaning to catch you!" the pink-haired girl hopped off her motorcycle and walked toward Cleo.

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