“I suggest you listen to her,” Another voice said.

Suddenly, Canada was next to Maria.

“Mathieu, mon fils,” France said, “What's going on with you all?”

“It's none of your business,” Peru, who was suddenly outside next to the nations, said.

“Well you know,” Afghanistan said, “You're hiding America, and that idiot-”

He was cut off when a gunshot flew past him.

Countries looked shocked.

“What to say that again?” A voice asked.

Brazil was suddenly standing next to Peru.

“Brazil!!” Portugal called out, “What's going on? That's all we want to know, we just wanna know if you all are okay.”

“I appreciate the worrying, Papa, but please leave,” He softly told his father.

England turned to Canada, “Matthew-”

“Leave,” Canada simply said.

“Maybe we should go,” Seychelles whispered to her English father, “They don't want us here.”

“Yes,” Macau agreed, he looked at his dad, Portugal, “We should go.”

Both men shook their heads at their kids.

The North and South American countries were their children and they had a right to know what was happening.

A few nations started to get frustrated and started to yell.

“We have a right to know where our superpower is!!” Turkey yelled out.

“Stay the hell away from my brother!!” Maria yelled.

She was seriously about to fire shots.

Germany walked up to Ecuador who had just came out, “All we want to know, is what's going on and where America is.”

Ecuador looked him straight in the eye, “That's classified and if you can't respect that, than get the Hell out of my face.”


America was up in his room shaking, crying, and hugging himself.

He was scared.

He was hearing everything coming from downstairs. All the yelling…


He just wanted it all to stop.

He started to sob harder and whimper even more.

Venezuela had left to go help out their family with the countries.

He didn't like it.

He didn't like this.

He had to get out of here, away from the yelling.

America pulled the covers over himself and tried covering his ears to block out the sounds.


After a long 15 minutes the yelling had finally stopped and the countries had left.

“Finally,” Paragary slumped in his chair, “They're gone.”

“We have to be prepared,” Ecuador said to his cousins, “They could come back anytime soon.”

“You're right,” Argentina said.

“Why won't they just leave him alone?” Colombia asked.

“They're nosy,” Venezuela simply said.

“They'll be back for sure,” Canada said, “We have to be prepared.”


As his family made plans downstairs. America was still shaking in fear.

He still had covers over his head.

He wasn't coming out. He was still scared.

What if the yelling came back?



He started to shake and whimper even more.

He had to go.



Chile suddenly shot up out if his chair. His family looked at him.

“We have to check on Al!!”

Maria shot out her seat and dashed towards the stairs. She rushed up the stairs but stopped in front of Alfred’s door and gently opened it.

She almost fainted. “Guys!!!!”

They all went to the hallway.

“What's wrong Mar?” Urangay asked.

“Maska’s gone!!”


Alfred laughed and spun around as he ran. He didn't know where he was going but didn't care.

He had wanted to get out of that room. He couldn't stay there anymore and the yelling…. What if it came back?

He had opened the window and jumped out.

He was free finally.

Away from the yelling and insults and pain.

He was free.

A firefly flew in front of America. He started to chase after it.

Laughing as he did.

But as America ran, he heard voices talking a while away but didn't pay attention to them and kept chasing after the firefly.

He was near a road now. The firefly finally landed on a leaf.

As America stopped to look at it, he didn't realize he was in front of many people.

People, whom he hadn't seen in awhile.

People, most of which his family had tried to keep him away from.

The nations.

“America/Alfred?” They all asked.

Alfred looked at them and backed away.

Unraveling حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن