"Yes," I chuckled a bit, "It's just as snowy there as it is here."

"Right... Should I wear some color?"

"Just wear what you normally wear." I shrugged.

"But we're going somewhere new. Somewhere I've never been before... I've always wanted to go, yes, but I never actually thought I'd get to... And now that I am, shouldn't I be excited, I am, obviously, but I'm really nervous. What if the people there judge me? What if they think I'm weird?" He sputtered.


"I need to make a good impression, right?"


"What if everything goes wrong? I've never been on a plane. What if the plan crashes? I'm not ready to die. I don't wanna die, Lance."

"Keith..." I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close to my chest. "You're not going to die... The plane won't crash... You're going to be fine... Plus, Japan has so many tourists all the time, we're no different."

He wrapped his arms around my neck and buried his face in the crook of my neck. I slowly swayed us back and forth as his breathing calmed down.

"Will you help me pack now?" He asked, lifting his head up and looking at me.

I nodded before leaning into him and pressing my lips to his. His smile grew as I kissed him and as I pulled back and chuckled lightly, pressing my forehead to his.

"You're such a dork..." he breathed.

"You keep saying that." I smiled.


Although it had felt like hours, I had finally finished packing the rest of Keith's things. He had fallen asleep a little while ago, as it was probably two in the morning. He had packed almost everything, and I had to unpack and re-pack it to make sure he had actually pack everything.

I began to clean up the dirty room, grabbing the empty laundry hamper that sat by the door, and shoving dirty clothes into it. As I walked over to the bed to grab the dirty clothes near it, I heard Keith whimpering.

It sounded like his was crying. I grabbed the clothes and set them into the hamper before going back over to Keith. His breathing got heavy as he quickly rolled over, moving again, and again.

"Keith." I whispered, shaking his shoulder lightly.

He went still for a moment. Before I heard him crying. "L-Lance... Please... D-don't go..."

I smiled sadly, before walking to the other side of the bed and pulling back the covers, before getting in the bed beside him. Still in the jeans and baseball tee.

I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close to me as he cried. "Keith." I spoke. He turned around and looked at me, his cheeks tear stained. "Is this why you don't sleep? Nightmares?" I questioned, as he moved closer to me, putting his face on my chest.

"N-nightmares and i-insomnia..." he stuttered as he shook.

"Shhh..." I breathed, petting his hair. "Baby... I'm right here, I'll protect you..."

He giggled, "Yes. I know."

"Don't laugh at me... You love me."

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