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"The Hollow has been haunting New Orleans for centuries." Vincent continued as we all still stood in the courtyard of the compound, waiting for answers from him, "It's and unending evil. It's appetite for the power is insaciable. And that's what attracted it to your little girl -- "

Klaus impatiently interupted him, " -- you said there was a way to save her."

"There is. But I'm telling you right now, you're not gonna like my plan. Step one: we pull the Hollow out of Hope. Step two: we find some place else to put it, but with the book gone, I need a place that's both powerful and eternal. In order to make the transition work, I'm gonna need something that's connected to Hope through blood."

"You need a vampire." Kol stated, frowning at the thought.

"You want to put the Hollow into one of my siblings?" Freya concerningly questioned Vincent.

"One ain't gonna cut it." Vincent shook his head before raising four fingers, "I'm gonna need four of 'em."

I frowned, "Why four?"

Vincent moved his hand back down and cleared his throat, "Well, fifteen-hundred years ago when the Hollow was first killed, they divided her remains. Four bones, four volunteers, four different locations. That's how we're going to beat the Hollow now."

"Transfer the Hollow's power into four immortal vampires." Freya clarified.

Rebekah frowned, "Yeah, and just send us on our way."

"So the evil is drawn, quartered and seperated for all time." Klaus added, I could hear the flicker of worry in his voice.

"And you have to go your seperate ways and you have to stay seperate for all time. You can never see each other again. Can never go near each other again. That is the only way we can beat the Hollow."

"This is a joke." An anxious laugh left my lips as I shook my head. I began to walk backwards towards the courtyard stairs, "This is a complete joke."

I turned and ran up the stairs, trying not to let anything build up in my eyes as I made my way into Klaus' study. I rushed towards a bookcase where some grimoires were shoved and some herbs and powders. I grabbed one of the thick brown leathered books and began to riffle through the pages.

"Cassie." Klaus' voice came from the doorway but my eyes remained scanning the pages. His footsteps got closer and then his hand grasped the book from my hands causing me to look up at him.

"Klaus," I turned and grabbed another grimoire, "just let me find something."

"Find what?" He questioned, "Vincent's already looked, this is the only way."

"No." I shook my head and moved towards the desk. I placed the grimoire on the surface, scanning over it, "No, there has to be another way, there's always another way."

Klaus placed the other grimoire beside me before he took my wrists in his hands, turning me to face him, "Cassie, I know you're afraid -- "

"Afraid?" I repeated, raising my eyebrows. I let out a breath as they crushed back together, "I'm petrified. This family have been torn apart so many times and I can't just stand here and let it happen again. I won't."

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