You're Jealous!

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Rigby pov

I came back to the house late that night. I had so much fun with Jeremy. Hanging out with him is already way different. Different in like a way that he can put his arm around me and hug and kiss my cheek, instead of it being weird since were friends, its comforting because he's my boyfriend. And he's still the same old funny shit head I love. When he drove me back to the house it was almost 2am. I walked in expecting to see Mordecai playing video games with high fives or something. On a Friday night like this we usually eat a bunch of shit and play video games all night. So when I didn't see him downstairs I was a bit confused. Ignoring this, I made my upstairs into our room. When I walked in, the lights were out, blinds closed, and Mordecai was asleep in his bed. He had the covers so they went up over his mouth and stopped at his closed eyes. I'm tired too. I take off my shirt and shoes then plop onto my bed making sure to put my trampoline against the wall before. I pulled up the covers and closed my eyes, feeling a nice familiar smile come across my face. Jeremy. Wowie.

I woke with a start as I heard Mordecai slam the closet door. "Dude what the fuck?" I said, groggily. Mordecai just grumbled and left the room. I stumbled up and threw on a shirt, following him downstairs. "Mordecai! Hello? What the heck is up with you?" Mordecai reached for door handle, "Dude stop! What the fuck? Are you pissed cuz I skipped out on video games? What's wrong?" Mordecai turned to and stared at me sternly. "I don't man you tell me. How was your time with Jeremy?" I felt myself getting flustered and upset. What is his fucking problem? "What the fuck does that have to do with you? Haha what? You jealous or some shit?" As soon as I said that, his cheeks turned a dark shade of pink. I'm beyond confused. "Holy shit. You- you're- you're jealous!" I shouted. Mordecai just looked down. "Ah- ugh what the fuck Mordo? Now you actually like me? That's some bullshit-" Before I could finish my sentence, Mordecai stepped toward me and pressed his lips against mine. My eyes widened and my face got hot as my bestfriend kissed me. He hastily stepped back and my expression must not have been good. He whispered sorry and ran out the house. Fuck Fuck Fuck that's all that's going through my mind. My best friend just kissed me on my lips. I haven't even kissed Jeremy's lips yet... Fuck, Jeremy. My boyfriend as of fucking yesterday and Mordecai just kissed me. Why? Mordecai knows I'm with Jeremy now. And now Mordecai is jealous and he kissed me. What the hell do I do? I ran upstairs back to our room and shut the door. I felt tears in my eyes and curled up on my bed. What do I do? Text Jeremy and tell my boyfriend Mordecai just kissed me? Or do I pretend it never happed, ignore Moredcai's feelings and love my boyfriend. I don't know. I pressed my knees to my chest. The anxiety was setting in and I need to calm down. Maybe I just tell Benson, hey I'm kinda fucked up today so I'm not gonna work, he'll let me stay. I'm sobbing. I'm gonna do the right thing. Especially because I could use a hug and a kiss on the cheek from Jeremy. I'll just tell him the whole story. Hopefully he won't be too mad. I'll be sure to mention the part about how I'm sobbing and having an anxiety attack and need a hug.

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