Beyond Best Friends

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Rigby pov

Ding     My phone buzzed, interuppting my mid-day slacker nap. I roll over in my bed to reach for my phone. I sat up and looked at my screen- Jeremy: Yo dude, could we have a chat at the cafe? I know you ain't doin shit lol. Meet me. Oh and, don't bring Mordecai, okay?

Not gonna lie, my soul kinda lit up? I mix of excitement and confusion kinda filled me. Like oh exciting Jeremy wants to hang, confused on why I shouldn't bring Mordecai. But I'm not gonna not go, I mean, he's right, I'm not doing shit. Mordecai was in his slacker nap too in the bed accross from me. If anything, he'd be glad I didn't wake him up for a simple talk with Jeremy. Right? I quietly put on a sweatshirt and actually look in the mirror, moving my hair around with my hands and rubbing my eyes. Ready. I always look like shit anyway. I head down the stairs, but as I'm right at the door, " Where do you think you're going, Rigby?" Damnit Benson. Benson and his stupid frustrated face. "Well, Benson. I'm taking my hard workin ass down to the cafe for a lunch break. What are you up to Benson? I mean, I don't see you working..." As soon as his face changed from midly upset to 'you're fired' I was filled with a split second of regret. "You know what Rigby, *sharp inhale* Just go, but your work better be done by the end of the day or-" I cut him off, "Or your fired, yeah I get, bye." I ran out to a cart and headed to the café.

"Yo! Rig-beast! What up bro?" Jeremy said putting out his hand for a fist bump. Hitting his fist I smiled at his cute grin, "Nothin much Jeremy, what's up with you? What'd you wanna talk about that was too exclusive for Mordo to hear?" I raised a brow and laughed. Jeremy looked down and laughed a low awkward laugh. I love his laugh. "Uhhhh alright, listen Rig, ever since Chad flipped out, you've been there and are basically my best friend," My smile subsided, Jeremy got kinda serious all the sudden. I'm not sure what's up and literally all I can think is, did i fuck up? Jeremy continues, "And, ugh, I know your like, not straight an shit- uh just what I'm tryna say is, I wanna be more than friends. Ha, I didn't want Mordecai to come because I didn't want this to be anymore awkward than this already is." Jeremy's face was shaded with a light blush. I felt this huge ass smile on my face and I knew my cheeks were hot and pink."Holy fuck. um... uh.. ahh um." I didn't know what to say and I know I'm taking to long to respond by Jeremy's expression. So instead of talking, I just scooched my stool foward and tucked my arms around Jeremy's. Pulling myself into and embrace. He hugged me back and I heard his voice rumble, "Ah, I guess that means, damn Jeremy i feel the same holy crap what took you so long?" I smiled and giggled feeling tears whell up in my eyes. When we let go I pulled my sleeves over my finger tips to dry my eyes. I didn't want him to see my cry for no reason haha. "Oh damn, didn't think my words were smooth enough to make you cry." He smiled and pushed up his black glasses up. I sat with that stupid grin on my face blushing way too hard. Ksshhh My walkie-talkie made a noise and I heard a not so happy Mordecai, "Ahhh dude. Just woke up, where are you? We gotta run the stupid snack bar. Meet me there asap." Jeremy looked at me, "Guess you gotta roll out." I looked at him, still blushing but had a thought, "Wait, how do I tell Mordo about... you and me?" Jeremy pushed up his glasses again, "Ah, don't worry about it, I'll text him after your shifts. Yo meet me tonight at the movies, we can see that movie Brain Explosion. It's the first showing and I got too tickets. It'll be dope I swear." I smiled, "Don't have to ask me twice," We both stood and I hugged him, "bye!"

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