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My phone was buzzing when I next opened my eyes. Jett made an annoyed sound and rolled over, trying to ignore it and carry on sleeping.

I sighed and picked it up, looking at all my notifications. I'd gotten even more from Eli since I last checked my messages.

I don't know why I bother with you two sometimes but still, I can't help but worry about you. What are you doing??

Unknown Number
Hey Ash, it's Sam. Just wondering if you got home okay?

I tapped Jett on the shoulder and got no response so proceeded to nudge him gently. "Jett? Elijah seems really mad, he's gonna kill us when we see him."

"When is he not mad?" Jett grumbled into the pillow. "He won't be mad at you anyway, he'll take it out on me most likely."

"But he said-"

He cut me off. "I don't care what he said, he was just annoyed. He always blames me for shit so he'll do it again this time as well. It was my fault anyway so why are you worrying?"

"I don't know I just don't want to upset him like this. He was up at five in the morning waiting for us."

"We're allowed to go out if we want to, he's not our mother even if he tries acting like it sometimes." Jett said, turning over to face me. "Don't worry, I'll take the blame for it anyway."

I nodded, still not satisfied with the situation but it wasn't like I could do anything about it. Jett seemed confident though but he was used to it being like this since he always went out.

I quickly got out my phone again and gave Sam a quick text to let him know I was okay.

Thanks. I got home okay, just woke up.

I couldn't believe I was still asleep at two in the afternoon but at the same time I wanted to sleep even longer. My head really hurt every time I tried to move or do anything.

"I don't really remember much about last night if I'm honest." Jett confessed. "All I know is that I ditched you and found you a few hours later passed out on the couch. Then I remember carrying you home but that's about it."

"I think it's best you don't remember." I replied, recalling how upset he'd been.

"We didn't do anything did we?!"

I laughed. "No, don't worry about it."

"Good." Jett smiled warmly and then got out of bed, grabbing some clothes that had been chucked on his chair. He went into the bathroom to presumably get dressed.

I hurried out the door and into my room to retrieve some fresh clothes from my wardrobe. I got dressed as swiftly as I could and then brushed my messy hair.

I went back to Jett's room to find him stood in the middle of the room with my phone in hand.

"I see Sam's been messaging you," he commented with a frown, "since when did you guys exchange numbers?"

"I don't know, I guess he must've gotten my number last night."

"Did you two hang around a lot last night?"

I shrugged. "Yeah, I guess we did. He's the only person that bothered having a conversation with me all evening so we talked for a while."

Jett sighed. "Whatever, let's just go and get some breakfast."

"Alright," I answered, thankful for the change of topic.

We walked downstairs to find Eli sat on the sofa watching TV - well, trying to watch it anyway. He looked extremely fatigued and his eyes were drooping as though he was about to fall asleep.

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