Chapter 8

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After a while the bell rang and they walked out together. When it came time for them to go their separate ways they bid their goodbyes. Katherine went into the locker room and after a moment Katie walked in after her.

    “I have to say, I’m a little hurt that you thought that I would say no to Lance.” said Katherine as soon as she saw her best friend.

    “Well you’re not exactly “in tune” with your feelings, I wouldn’t have been surprised if you had turned him down.” said Katie with air quotes, as she finished getting dressed.

Together the two girls headed out of the locker room and into the actual gym. Suddenly Katie stopped, which made Katherine almost ran into her.

    “Isn’t that Allura?” asked Katie as she stared at a figure in front of the teachers desks.

Looking closely she could tell that the figure was in fact the french student, mostly because of her white hair.

    “Yeah… I do believe it is.” admitted Katherine.

    “Come on, let's go see what’s she’s is doing.” Katie dragged Katherine with her.

Once they were close enough to hear what was going on Katie dropped Katherines arm.

    “I just got my schedule changed, I was wondering if you could give me directions as to where I need to go?” Allura was saying.

The teacher’s pointed to the door on the left and Allura started that way but then spotted Katherine and Katie.

    “Salut, pourquoi es-tu ici?” asked Allura and as usual only Katherine understood what she was saying.

Deciding to humor Katie, Katherine answered in english, “we take this class, what are you doing here?”

    “Oh!” she said excitedly, “ I was scheduled to take this class but then I decided to take muscle training instead.” Allura told them.

At the mention of this Katie tensed, Allura however didn’t notice the change and after talking a little longer, left.

    “Ok, tell me whats going on, and don’t say nothing, because i’m not stupid.” comments Katherine.

    “It’s just that, Shiro’s also in that class, I feel like she may go after him now, I mean first it was Matt, so why not Shiro?” Katie whined.

    “I’m sure that’s not the case.” reassured Katherine.

Before Katie could argue the matter further the teachers blew the whistle for the class to start stretching. They had been paired off into groups to do different stages of exercise when Katherine asked a question, “What was Hunk all excited about this morning?”

    “I forgot to tell you! While we were at the party he saw this really cool girl that he’s been crushing on since forever ago, and last night he finally worked up the nerve to go talk to her. Turns out the she has also had a big crush on him so now they’re dating.” Katie said with a huge grin on her face, clearly happy for Hunk. Not saying that Katherine wasn’t happy for him, she totally was. It was just weird to think of Hunk, at a party, talking to a girl, everyone changes but it was still surprising Katherine noted.

    “I’m glad it’s about time he got himself a girlfriend, and anyhow it was bound to happen someday.” Katherine joked.

Nodding, Katie continued to workout. After a few more attempts at conversation Katherine finally fell silent. The bell rang and both girls changed back into their regular outfits. Both girls headed to their different classes but before Katherine walked in she comforted Katie, “I’ll talk to Allura and tell her that if she is making a move on Shiro that she might want to learn her boundaries. Seeing as how she’s new to the group. Ok?” Katherine hated to see her friend compare herself to others knowing exactly that’s what Katie was doing.

Her friend nodded and headed towards her classroom. Walking into her own Katherine was happy to see that Allura was in this class, although she didn’t see why.  

Sitting in her own seat she leaned over to talk to Allura while she waited for Lance to show up.

    “So, why did you decide to take switch second periods?” Katherine asked in a innocent voice.

Allura looked a little sheepish, but her eyes were gleaming with a plan that only she could know. “I switched classes because I knew Shiro was in weight lifting,” She must have seen the look that Katherine was giving because she hastily added, “It’s not because I’m into him I promise. It’s because, well, while me and Matt were talking last night, he told me how Katie had a crush on Shiro, and I saw how she looked at me with spite, so I was trying to see if I could talk to Shiro and get them together officially.” Allura said, relieved to get all of that off her chest.

As Katherine was about to answer she felt a hand close over her eyes and then a voice say, “Guess who?”

    “Um… Dwayne Johnson?” guessed Katherine in a jokingly manner.

    “No, although it would be nice to look like him.” Lance replied from behind her. The hands covering her eyes lifted and she turned to look at him.

    “Bonjour, ma ami.” Katherine said knowing full well that he could hardly understand a word in french. Allura looked between the two of them with a confused face.

    “Ne t'en fais pas.” Katherine said to Allura.

Allura shook her head as Mrs. Michelle walked in. “Alright everyone we are going to review what we learned yesterday and the test will be on Monday.” she announced. Everyone but Allura and Katherine groaned at the news, and Lance even threw his arms up in despair.

    “That’s it i’m doomed! Go ahead and end me! It will happen at some point anyway.” he then went on to bang his head on his desk repeatedly. Katherine couldn’t help but start laughing.

    “Oh you think me falling is funny do you?” mumbled Lance as he kept banging his head.

Katherine paired up with Allura and Lance to start reviewing.

    “You’re not going to fail, if nothing else I can call you and help you look over the words on the test.” offered Katherine.

That was the only thing that got Lance to do was stop banging his head on his desk. Sighing, Katherine turned back to Allura and reviewed with her. The bell rang and Katherine nudged Lance awake since he had fallen asleep.

The rest of the day went by without anything interesting taking place. After her last class Katharine all but ran to her bus. Taking her seat in the middle she waited for Katie to get on. Once she did, Katherine didn’t have a chance to say a word because she immediately started on a rampage. “So, Shiro told me that he thinks that Allura is flirting with him! I mean she already has Matt, which I know because when we went home that’s all he talked about. So I understand why she is also trying to win over Shiro.” By the time she had finished Katie had gone red faced.

    “I don’t think that’s the case.” said Katherine but before she could tell her what she knew the bus had reached their stop. Getting of Katherine asked Katie if she could come over. With plans to meet up at Katie’s house at four thirty, Katherine walked towards her own home. Walking into the house she was surprised to see her dad home.

    “Hey, what are you doing home so early?” Katherine wondered.

    “They didn’t need me at work anymore, so I came home early.” Her dad stated. Katherine nodded and went up to her room and started on her algebra homework.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2018 ⏰

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