Chapter 10

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"I'm sure you understand my concern, Miss Nichols" Principle Hastings looks over his glasses at me, I nod,
"I'm sorry" I press my lips in a tight line,
"Is there any particular reason you would like to share with me or would you like me to call your father in to discuss it?" he raises an eyebrow, obviously knowing the answer,
"no no, there's no need for that" I sigh, "It was just...a bad breakup, that's all. I'm good as new now" I give him a weak smile and look down at my hands in my lap. Just a bad breakup with one of your members of staff, no biggie.
"Ah" he leans back in his chair, "well I'm sorry to hear that, Miss Nichols. Maybe next time put your school work first. You're a bright student, it would be a shame to fall behind because of some boy" he scoffs. I nod and clear my throat, 'some boy' honey that's Mr Anderson,
"Understood" I nod again, feeling like a nodding dog in the back of the car with a head that's about to fall off.
"Ok so you were skipping classes for, what, a week? So I would suggest perhaps meeting with your teachers and collecting the work you missed before you fall behind any more" He glances at his watch and stands, signalling the end of the conversation. I throw my bag over my shoulder and give him a brief, weak smile. "You know where I am if you need me" he nods. Yeah, cause you've been a fantastic help. Good job. I slip out the office and start walking down the corridor, I keep my eyes on the ground. I see a pointy shoe jut out in front of mine but it's too late, my feet feel like they've doubled in size and the floor rushes up to my face. I land with a smack and hear everyone laughing behind me, I look over my shoulder and see Ella, pointing her scrawny finger at me, the other hand on her stomach while she laughs,
"You're a fucking bitch, Ella. What is your problem?!" I stand, shouting in her face. I am not in the mood to be pushed. Her face changes from shocked to humiliated to angry all in the space of a couple of seconds,
"You do not talk to me like that Mia Nichols" she steps closer to my face, "I can ruin you" she threatens. I feel my fists clench, if I swing and punch her now, I can be out of the school gates before anyone starts to look for me,
"Girls!" I hear a warning voice behind us. Ella steps back and bats her eyes, looking hurt,
"I'm sorry Sir, she just freaked out" her hands went up in defence, "She...She called me a bitch!" she rests her claws on her chest,
"Miss Nichols, come with me please" I turn around and see who she's been talking to. Will.
"No thank you" I mutter, walking away in the opposite direction. I watch everyone's faces change and hear a few quiet gasps. Shit, did I just say that?
"Miss Nichols! Now!" His voice stiff and surly. I stop in my tracks and turn around to face him, his face may as well have steam coming from it. I glance at Ella, she has a nasty smirk on her face I want to slap off. But instead, I hold my head up high and follow Will. He leads me up to his class, well out of the way of that audience. As soon as the door closes he spins around with a face like thunder, "What the hell is going on with you Mia?" he hisses. I clench my jaw and cross my arms over my chest,
"I've already had a lecture from the principal, you don't need to do it too" I look away,
"Mia you need to start treating me with respect like a normal teacher or people are going to start putting two and two together" his voice was quiet, low, and strict,
"ok" I reply bluntly,
"I saw in your face you know what you said was wrong. Please Mia" His hands were together as if he was begging,
"Ok" I sigh, "I'm sorry, I'll be more careful" I look down at my feet. I hear him exhale and he pulls one of the chairs out from under the table, sitting on it backwards and resting his arms on what would be the back of it,
"now, what's going on with you and that...girl?" he asks, I can tell he had to think about his words to stay professional, but his face says it all. I can't help but the corner of my lips itching to smile,
"She's just a bitch" I roll my eyes and sit down in a chair,
"Language" he smirks, "she giving you a hard time?"
"no, I'm fine" I reply a little bit too defensively,
"she's the same one that shouted at you in the car park?" I thought back to that day, how happy we were. My eyes fill with tears and I look down at my hands,
"Uh yeah" I hear my voice shake, "she's just a horrible person, I'm her new target I guess. She won't do anything to me" I shake my head, "She could try, I won't let her" I nibble my bottom lip,
"Just don't get in any trouble" he hesitated, "and...are you..ok?" he asked cautiously,
"Yes, I'm fine" I lied. He watched me, his eyes locked on to mine made me shift in my seat,
"Don't lie to me, Mia" His voice just above a whisper,
"I'm not" I stand, "I just want to go"
"Wait" I hear him move his chair, I turn around and see him walking to me,
"I didn't want to hurt you Mia, I thought this would be for the best" he gently wipes away a tear I didn't realise had made it's way down my face,
"I'm not hurt anymore Will, I'm just broken" I tell him honestly, his eyes look pained. The sound of the door swinging open broke us apart,
"Hey man! I interrupting anything?"
"ah, Ryan" Will's voice sounds tense. I spin around to face the door. He looks similar to Will. Tall dark and handsome. He has a cheeky look on his face,
"Is this a bad time?" he mocks concern,
"well-" Will starts,
"no, I'm just leaving" I nod at Will,
"this is Mia" he blurts out, watching my face, "Mia...Ryan. My uh, friend" he runs his hand through his hair,
"oh!" Ryan smiles, stepping in front of me, "Mia" he winks, taking my hand and kissing the back of it.  I look down at it and blush, looking between him and Will,
"Ryan" Will warns, standing up and walking to his desk,
"I can come back later" he steps back, "the fact you made a school visit must mean this little meeting is uh...important" he winks. He doesn't know. I open my mouth to speak but Will cuts me off,
"Enough, Ryan" we hear a gentle knock at the door, "yes?" Will calls. I can see in his face he's stressed, his friend obviously doesn't know we've 'broken up' or that I'm his student. Whoever is on the other side of this door could completely fuck this up. I watch it slowly open and Hannah's face pokes round it, I let out a relieved sigh,
"Hannah" I smile,
"Oh uh, hi" she grins, looking round at us all, her gaze lingering on Ryan, "Uh, Mia, I was waiting for you, someone said something happened in the hall and you came up here...I just uh, wanted to make sure you were okay" she smiles nervously,
"Thank you, we should go" I adjust my bag on my shoulder,
"But we've only just met" Ryan winks at Hannah, causing a blush to spread over her whole face,
"Ryan!" Will hisses, "Enough!"
"bye" I smile at them,
"Bye Mr Anderson, Ryan" Hannah calls over her shoulder as I drag her out the door. She drags out Ryan's name,
"Mr Anderson?" I hear Ryan's voice question Will. Shit!
"What was all that about?!" Hannah giggles as we speed walk away from the classroom,
"What do you mean?" I ask absently, looking over my shoulder,
"Who is he? He is fiiiine!" I laugh at her and shake my head, "I didn't get the chance to tell you! Guess where we are going tomorrow night" She squeals, taking my hand,
"Where?" I ask cautiously,
"well" she starts, "there's a party, a college party!" she's humming with excitement, "can we go please can we go?!" she jumps up and down and I can't contain my laughter,
"fine!" I smile. This is why I love Hannah, after the shit week I've had she still manages to cheer me up.


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