~Chapter Forty One~

Începe de la început

"That was morning?"

Out went embittered sigh number two.

"You guys have no perception of time do you?" I beckoned the two behind me.

Viktor shook his head. Allen said, "Nope."

Slipping through my lips went frustrated sigh number three. I might as well stop counting; I feel this is going to happen often. I wonder if this is what it feels like to be Matt, constantly annoyingly sighing at everyone because everyone is an idiot.

I turn back around to the barely naked figure, making sure to keep my eyes locked onto those amethyst orbs.

"Could you please, for the love of all things good, put some damn clothes on?" I quavered. My eyes wavered for a moment, but I willed them to obey.

"Well, since you asked nicely." He paused, making intense eye contact with me.


My lips curved downwards into a frown. Baffled and speechless I pouted and crossed my arms against my chest, crusty flour falling off my black overalls. Suddenly my stomach grumbled, the scent of those (favorite flavor) cupcakes reaching my senses.

"Welp, this has been fun but food is calling me." I stated, pushing my way through Allen and Viktor and strutting to the kitchen.

I guessed by the footsteps they followed along. A snarky grin reached my lips as I giggled to myself, thinking how lucky I was. Three ogling gorgeous things were behind me, following me, like a pack of sheep following its shepherd.

I wandered back into the kitchen, the cupcakes I had just made with Olie sitting out on the counter. An icing bag laid out next to them, but the brightly colored brit who laid it there was nowhere to be seen. I tilted my head in confusion, my bottom lip rising over my top.

I wonder where he went. It's not very Oliver to leave cupcakes.

I shrug and grab the icing bag, icing half of the cupcakes then placing them in the fridge to cool. I didn't ice the rest of them merely because I didn't know if Oliver wanted to ice them a different color than mine. It might be a petty thing to do, but hey, it isn't my kitchen nor house so I'd rather be petty than dead.

"There you are."

My shoulders scrunch up in surprise and I sheepishly turn around. "Heyyyyy Flavio how's it going? It's been a while eh?" I say as a nervous sweat breaks out on my forehead. He glares for a moment, but then rolls his eyes. Flavio walks over to the table and sets something down. I'm wary to see the items he placed down, but once I see them a grin grows into my features. Sitting on the table were a pair of black skinny jeans and a normal t-shirt. Surprisingly, he picked out my exact usual clothing. Flavio sits across from the clothing, sulking. Giggling, I scoop the items in my arms and walk towards him. I thank him and place a warm kiss on his forehead, he looks surprised at first but then glances at me and grins lovingly.

"You're welcome."


After changing into comfortable clothing I head into the "living room", seeing 2/3 of the ones I'd left before. At least now Lutz was into some proper clothing. I plop on the couch across them and grin, they both looked bored out of their minds.

"Alrighty, so what's to do around here?" I inquire. They both went to say something but as if reading their minds I quickly added, "I swear if you say "me" I will not hesitate to smack you." Smackthatbitch They both shut their mouths in unison, I annoyingly roll my eyes.

"C'mon you don't have monopoly or anything?"

Allen rose a brow, "Why would we have monopoly?"

Squinting dramatically I harshly reply, "I don't know! TO INTERACT WITH EACH OTHER?"

"Why would we want to do that?" Lutz adds, kicking his feet up on the table in the center of the room.

I swear my face looks like a meme straight out of tumblr at this point. I flip myself upside down on the couch and glare at the two across from me. "C'mon, really? There's really nothing to do around here?" I mumble upside down, kicking my legs up in the air.

Glancing to my right, Satan, I mean Kuro walks out of the one room I hadn't been in. Curiosity gets the better of me and I question the glaring piece of walking salt. "Yo Kuro! What's in there?" Kuro takes one glance at me, turns and leaves, completely ignoring me. "Damn, he is cold." I say under my breath.

"It's just packaging bullshit." Allen loyally replies. What a good boy.

"What type of bullshit?" I question, braiding a piece of my hair out of boredom. Allen dramatically sighs, obviously tired of my constant questioning.

Flipping upright I stand up and place my hands on my hips. "Well I'm checking it out." I puff out. "Be my guest." I hear Allen mumble beneath his breath before I walk off. While I'm walking off, the soft sound of Lutz's snoring echoes throughout the room.

Standing in front of the thick metal doors I push down on the heavy handle, opening up to see--




Question: Would you guys rather shorter chapters in less time, or longer chapter that take more time?

Sorry that this chapter is so short, I know you've been waiting for four months. But! I bare news! I'll be finishing New Units this year! (Hopefully *sweats*) Also thank you so much for stick with me through this journey, I've grown so much with this story and I hope you can see the improvement lol. My plan is to update twice every month now, but they might be shorter chapters than before, sorry about that!

Do you guys have anything you'd like to specifically? Fill out this survey then!


Anyways, I'll see y'all in the next chapter guys! :3

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