“Where do you want to go then?” I ask looking up at the boy standing next to me, an arm around my waist.

“Outside? We could go out on the back porch,” he suggests.

“Sure” I reply with a nod, finishing off the cup and tossing it in a bin. We walk outside and I lean up against the rail.

“Here let me help you” he says. He puts his hands on my waist and helps me up onto the rail so I was sitting. He stands in front of me, leaning against the rail with a hand on either side. I smile, my eyes sliding over his face as my hands absentmindedly start playing with the curls near his ears. The drink was definitely starting to get to me. I had always been a fairly touchy-feely drunk. Not over the top like I’d end up sleeping with the person but I definitely liked human contact.

“Everyone’s right about your curls” I say, feeling the smooth hair run through my fingers. He chuckles, probably more at me than what I was saying.

“Oh yea? How’s that?” he asks raising an eyebrow in amusement.

“They really are sexy” I admit. He laughs, his eyes meeting mine.

“I think you’re drunk” he teases, his eyes sparkling playfully. I grin, shaking my head, perhaps a little too much.

“Nooo” I say smiling down at him. “I just really like your sex hair” I say giggling. He laughs at me before picking up a hand and running it through my own hair, gently brushing my cheek. The laughter stops as the atmosphere changes.

“And I just really like you” he says quietly. With that, the little distance that was separating us disappears as his lips crash against mine. My hands slide down his chest, grabbing his shirt, pulling him against me, his hands on my waist holding me on the rail. His tongue slides along my bottom lip, begging for entry. I part my lips, letting him in, our tongues colliding as our lips move together.

“Harry, there you ar—oh sorry” a voice interrupts. Harry pulls back and I reluctantly release my grip on his shirt as he turns around to see who’s talking. Peeking around Harry, I see Luke standing there, a look of shock on his face. “The band was going to start back up again” he says gesturing over his shoulder, his eyes locked on me, a smirk forming on his face.

“Ok, I’ll be in in a moment” he says before turning back to me. He rests his forehead against mine, his hand at the base of my neck. “Are you going to come in?” he breathes, his breath hot against my face. I shake my head.

“Maybe in a bit, I need some air” I say.

“Ok” he says before giving me a long kiss. He pulls away and his hand trails down my arm to my hand giving it a quick squeeze before he heads inside. My head was spinning. I couldn’t tell if it was from the alcohol or from the kiss, but either way my veins were racing.

“So you and Harry huh?” a voice asks and I look up in surprise to see Luke still standing there. I feel my face turn red and I duck my head to avoid answering. He lets out a laugh and I look over, confused since I had thought he would be mad. “This is just to perfect” he says “You really like him”. I look at him confused. There was something in his smile that was off. Something almost nasty.

“What’s going on?” I ask.

“Do you actually think he likes you?” he asks, his smile full of malice.

“What do you mean?” I ask, his words not fully processing.

“Oh come on, I thought you were supposed to be smart.” He says with a laugh. “Lets think for a second. Why would Harry actually like you” he says with a sneer. “It was all a game. A plan to get you back” he says cruely. I feel tears prick my eyes as his words slap me across the face. A game? Harry was just playing me? How could he? I’d actually let him in. Showed him the real me. He’d seen my brother. My breath catches at this as I look up at Luke horrified. If this was all a game than Luke probably knew all about Caellum. How could I have let this happen.

“I have to go” I choke out stumbling off the rail and pushing past Luke into the house. I push through the crowd of people, my eyes landing on Harry on stage. His eyes land on me and instantly flash to the direction I’d just come from to where Luke was standing before looking back at me guilt apparent in his eyes.

“Shit” he mutters, dropping the mic as he tries to push through the crowd after me but it’s to thick. I hurriedly push my way to the front door, tears blurring my eyes as I run down the lawn down the street.

“Maedbh” I hear a voice call after me, but I don’t stop running. Eventually I can’t run any further, my lungs burning and I stumble to a stop, collapsing onto my knees on the grass, the tears finally pouring forth. A ragged sob breaks out and my hands cover my face as my entire body shakes. I should’ve known this would happen. I should have known something bad would happen. Nothing good ever happens to me. First my parents, then Caellum, now this? Why do I ever get my hopes up? I lay there for who knows how long, the tears finally running out.

“Oh darling” a familiar voice says softly scooping me up in his strong arms. “Lets get you home”


The long awaited 16th chapter!! Sorry it took so long to upload. I was kind of stuck and then I started doing the one shots so I never seemed to have time to write this. But I finally did it! And I think it turned out pretty well if I do say so myself... But I don't care what I think. I want to know what you do! So let me know by commenting and voting!

The Baker Boy (Harry Styles) Book 1Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα