Chapter 7

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Harry’s POV

Sunday was pretty boring. I really didn’t do anything besides homework and video games. I wasn’t working so I didn’t even have that to occupy my time. I had called all my friends but they were all either nursing a hangover from a party the night before or scrambling to do homework that they’d put off. I’d even gotten desperate enough to call Mr Wakefield’s house to see if Maedbh was busy. He had given me his home number in case I needed to reach him for work. I had started dialling the number and was about one digit away before I realized what I was doing and hung up. I stared at the phone in my hand, shocked that I had even thought about hanging out with her, or better yet, that she’d want to hang out with me. I hastily set the phone down, pushing it a little ways away from me so I wouldn’t be tempted to call again. I was relieved when Monday finally rolled around, because it meant that I’d be able to see my friends again.

“Yo Haz what up?” Luke greets me as I get to my locker.

“Nothin man, pretty boring weekend” I say with a shrug.

“You should have gone clubbing with us Saturday night” he says with a grin.

“Couldn’t, Mr Wakefield and Maedbh came over for dinner then my mom didn’t let me go out after” I say with a frown.

“Ohh that sucks” Luke groans. “You had to hang out with that nerd?” he asks. I shrug, thinking it wasn’t that bad. It would have been better if she hadn’t been avoiding me but what ever.

“So what did you do to her?” he asks pulling me out of my thoughts.

“Huh?” I ask, “what do you mean?”

“Pranks… you must have done something to her. You had a whole night to get to her.” He says like it’s the most obvious thing ever.

“Uhhh” I say not sure how to respond.

“Dude” he groans “You didn’t do anything?”

“I didn’t know I was supposed to” I start to protest.

“Wait” he says cutting me off “were you nice to her?” he asks.

“Yea, I guess” I say confused. A smile forms on his face as I see an idea start forming.

“You’re going to make her fall in love with you. Then you’ll drop her faster than you can say Nandos.” He says with a smirk “That’ll teach her to mess with us.”

I freeze, unsure what to say. “Dude, this is perfect,” he says with a laugh slapping me on the back.

“Uh ok…” I say trailing off to in shock to say no.

“Sweet” he says with a grin as the bell rings signalling the start of class. “I’ll see you at lunch” he says slapping me on the back again before he heads down the hallway to class. I stand there stunned for a moment. What had I just agreed to?

I finally force myself to move and head to class. I see Luke sitting in his usual seat near the back and I start heading back there also but stop and look at him confused as I see my usual seat taken. I look at Luke confused, since there had always been an unspoken rule of class that had us sitting together. “Maedbh” he mouths to me, nodding to the open seat next to her. It clicks. He set me up to sit next to her to work on his plan. I shake my head slightly, glaring at him.

“Are you going to take a seat Mr Styles or are you planning on standing through class today?” Mrs. Hanson asks as she walks in. The class laughs and I feel my cheeks burning as I slide into the seat.

“Friends abandon you huh?” Maedbh says quietly raising an eyebrow.

“Something like that” I mutter under my breath. Class drags on extremely slowly today. I’m guessing it’s because sitting in the front means you have to pay attention. I’ll admit, I think I actually learned something in class today. I think Mrs Hanson noticed also because at the end of class she stopped me as I was leaving and told me that she’d like me to sit there for the rest of the year. I stifled the groan that threatened to break through and nodded as I left. Luke was waiting for me out in the hall.

“What did the od lady want?” he asks, falling into step next to me as I headed down the hall.

“Thanks to you, I’m now stuck in the front the rest of term” I reply, anger edging into my voice.

“Good” he says with a smirk, ignoring my pissed expression.

At lunch Maedbh took a seat at the table in the back all by herself reading a book again. When Luke saw her in the corner he elbowed me, nodding over there, silently telling me to go sit with her. I roll my eyes but head over there anyways, setting my tray down at the seat across from her. She looks up at me surprised when she hears the clatter of the tray on the table.

“What are you doing here?” she asks bluntly, returning to her book. Lord of the Flies, I note.

“What’s it about?” I ask nodding towards the book. She sighs, dog-earing the page as she closes it.

“It’s about a group of boys that are stranded on a deserted island and have to form a primitive society. They fail, and all goes to hell” she answers emotionlessly. “It reminds me of school society. And I repeat, what are you doing here?”

“Nothin, I just thought I’d join you for lunch” I say with a shrug. “And it sounds interesting.”

“Sure it does,” she mutters under her breath “And I don’t need you here, go back to your friends” she says picking up her book again. I shrug and begin eating my lunch. After a few minutes of silence she sighs and puts the book down again. “You’re really not going to leave are you?” she asks. I shake my head with a smile. “Fine” she grumbles.

“So what do you think of here so far?” I ask.

“It’s alright” she replies with a shrug, grabbing a French fry off my tray and popping it into her mouth. “I haven’t really seen much of it, just the bakery and school pretty much”

“Well that sucks” I say glancing over at Luke who was watching us intently. When he sees me looking over he smirks slightly and winks. “You should let me show you around sometime” I say turning my attention back to her. Her eyes widen in surprise momentarily before narrowing.

“Why would you offer that?” she asks suspicion filling her voice. I look at her with confusion.

“What do you mean?”

“What are you planning on doing? Is this a prank? Are you going to like pelt me with water balloons or something as soon as I open the door?” she asks

“What? No!” I say shaking my head. She eyes me suspiciously for a few more seconds before seeming content with my response.

“Ok then” she says picking up her book again, flipping it open to the dog-eared page. “After school”

I take this as a cue of my dismissal and I stand up and take my tray back to the other table.

“So?” Luke asks with a grin, wriggling his eyebrows.

“We’re hanging out after school,” I say.

“Nice” he says with a smirk. I shrug and change the topic to the Manchester United game from the weekend. Soon enough, lunch is over and we part ways as we head to different classes. I glance at the clock as I head to my class. Just 3 more hours until school was out and I had to show Maedbh around. Now I just had to think of where to take her.


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Picture of Luke over there ------>

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