Chapter 1

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Present Day


“I love you!”

“I want to have your babies!”

I smirk to myself hearing the screams of the fans as I step out of my car in front of my home. I was finally back home. We had been gone for almost two years, with very little time to stop at home. They had given us a month off to relax with our families and our friends before we go back to recording. Life had been crazy the past few months. We had gone on tour all over the world. To think that this time two years ago I was studying in college and working at the bakery and now I was on the covers of magazines as the teenage heartthrob. I wave to a few fans and wink at one, holding back a laugh as she visibly swoons. I walk into the house and am quickly engulfed in a hug by my mum.

“I’ve missed you so much” she says choking on her words. I let out a laugh kissing her on the cheek.

“Don’t start crying mum.” I say with a grin giving her another hug. “I’m home for a month, you’ll be sick of me before you know it.” She lets out a laugh, wiping the tears from her eyes as she ushers me fully inside, shutting the door behind me.

I glance one more time back at the people filling the streets giving a half-wave as the door shuts behind me.

“They’ve been out there for days.” Gemma says exasperatedly, walking into the room. “They’ve been waiting for ages for you to come home. Are they going to be here the entire time you’re home?” she asks.

“Missed you to sis.” I say with a laugh at her welcome home.

“Welcome home Harry” she says with a smile giving me a hug.

“So do you have any plans for when you’re home? Are you going to go visit any of your old friends? The boys from White Eskimo?” mum asks.

I shrug my shoulders. I hadn’t really planned on meeting up with them. When I had left them for the X-factor they weren’t exactly happy. I mean, they were happy for me, but I think they still held a grudge over the fact that I had made it without them. She seems to take my silence as an answer.

“Well you should at least stop by the bakery, your old boss can’t stop asking about you. I’m sure he would appreciate it if you stopped in.”

I nod my head in agreement. He had been a nice guy; he was one of the ones that had helped persuade me into auditioning that year.

“Well come along then, let’s get you settled back in yeah?” my mom says. I nod my head with a smile, picking up my luggage and carrying it back upstairs to my old room. I get up to my room and here a cheer from outside. I set my bag down and walk over to the window, facing the front, and wave to the people that were still hanging around outside before shutting the curtains.

“I can’t believe how obsessed they are over you”

I look towards the door and see Gemma leaning against the doorframe.

“I remember when you were a chubby little cheeky boy,” she says with a smirk.

I grin, “Well I’m still cheeky. And it’s not my fault everyone loves me.” She just rolls her eyes, a smile on her face.

“I just came up to tell you that dinner is in 15 minutes,” she says, pushing off the doorframe and heading back downstairs. “Try not to drive those girls to crazy,” she calls. I smile and head back to the curtain, pulling it open quickly, causing a scream from the streets. I close it quickly with a laugh, before opening it up again causing another scream. It was crazy to me that this had all happened to the baker boy from Cheshire. I wave goodbye one more time before closing the curtain again and heading back downstairs.

After dinner is done, I decided to head outside to visit with some of the fans that were still lingering outside. When I opened the door they let out a cheer, which only got louder as I walked over to where they were. I talked with them for a bit, taking pictures and signing things. One girl even gave me a scrapbook she had made of our time on the X-factor. A bunch of them shoved slips of paper with what I was assuming was their phone number at me. I took the paper but had no intention of actually calling them. If they were going to stand outside my house, who knew what would happen if I actually gave them my phone number? Eventually it started getting cold so I said goodbye and headed back inside. Hopefully that would satisfy them enough so that I’d be able to enjoy my time at home in peace.


Thanks to everyone who read my first story With Every Moment Left! The response I got off of that has led me to start a story for each of the boys. This is going to be Harry's then I'll probably do Zayn's after. I'm in the middle of exams right now so I won't be able to update every day like I did the other one but I promise I'll be working on it when I can. In the mean time, vote and comment on this one! And if you haven't read my other one do that!

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