3. Skylar & Braheim

Start from the beginning

But helping Adonis wasn't my main goal, more like a side project. Just something to do in my efforts to get Eden.

"She left with just some guy, huh? That sucks."

"Yeah. And if we're being honest, I'm kind of glad. I saw a guy from school-"

"Oooh a guy? An interesting guy?"

"Well...there's two guys. One of them I'm interested in..the other..well he's certainly interesting. Not in the way you're thinking."

"He's weird?" My mom asked.

"Lil bit. But he's cool. I'm more interested in his brother, I figured I can be friends with Adonis..and that'll get me closer to Eden."

"Oh god Eden again? I thought you got over him last year Farrah.."

"I know Mom! He's just so..ugh! Him!"

"You're obsessed, and you better not take advantage of his brother just to date someone who's probably no good for you anyway."

"Okay mom.." I said not caring to hear her negativity.

When we got home, my mom dropped me off and went down to the restaurant to work for the rest of the night. Meanwhile Braheim was nowhere to be found.

"Heim!" I yelled to him. No answer.

I went upstairs to his room, the door was closed but I could hear noise on the inside.

"Braheim— oh my.." As soon as I opened the door I regretted it. Skylar was on her knees in front of him, his pants around his ankles.                    

Skylar didn't notice me walk in, so she continued with her task, as Braheim quickly shooed me away.

I left with the quickness and closed his door.

Gross. How could she do that? One of my best friends..fucking with my brother. And to top it off, they were keeping it a secret. The shit pissed me off.

I went up to my room and slammed my door, the moment I sat on my bed I texted Melanie.

|Me: |
Skylar is fucking Braheim. Can't believe this shit

|Mel: |
Lol ik 💀 awkkkk

|Me: |
You knew? Were neither of y'all gonna bother to tell me?

|Mel: |
Why ya so mad about it Farrah? 😬 ya need some dick or sum?

I was so annoyed with her. I threw my phone down and laid back in my bed.

Does no one think this is crazy but me?


As we all rode in the car on the way home, Noel sung loudly to the radio.

"Mommy!!" She complained, due to my mom turning off the radio.

"You were too loud. Inside voice ok?"


"So...Did you have a nice time Don?" My Mom asked rubbing my back.


"Did you like talking to your girlfriend Don Don?" Noel said giggling.

"Mhm." I said, not bothering to argue. That'd be crazy. I'd already come to accept that I'd never really have a girlfriend...but if I did it definitely wouldn't someone like Farrah. Pretty, popular, a ton of guys want her. Never in a million years.

"Adonis, you didn't tell me she was your girlfriend! I'm so proud! She's a very nice..beautiful young lady."

"That's not his girlfriend Mom. Come on." Eden said laughing.

I rolled my eyes to myself.

"But they're friends right, she's your friend?"

"If Adonis had friends don't you think we wouldn't have to take him to programs like this?"

"Shut the fuck up Eden!" I lashed out at him.

"Adonis!" My mother yelled.

"Don you can't say that.." Noel whispered.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

"You know Mom, if that was me cussing like that you'd kill me. But I get it, you treat him special."

"Eden hush. We're not talking about that right now..."

"No. Tell me why you don't treat Adonis like you treat me? Why are we different?"

I put my hand over my ears, this wasn't the first time they had this argument and my mom always made me cover my ears. I've been doing it sense I was a kid, but the older I get the more stupid I feel.

Of course.

We pulled up to the house and the argument was over. Eden stormed out the car, immediately getting into his and pulling out of the garage.

My mother sighed and looked at me.

"Me and Noel are spending the night at NeNe's, I'm sure you don't want to go. Do you?"

"No ma'am."

"Don't do anything dirty in my house while we're gone." She added.

"Alright, Mom."

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