Chapter 9

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"We'll have to leave you here for now, Miss Sara, but we will return, I promise." Nichole told her, but Sara began to panic.

"What if you don't come back?" She asked. "Nobody ever comes back for me. They always say they will, and they never return. Please stay with me."

"We have to go to find your prince fellow, lass." Drippy told her, but she began to cry again.

"No! No, please don't leave me!" The four of them exchanged looks, unsure what to do. None of them wanted to leave her alone, but they had to leave if they wanted to help her.

"I'll stay with her." Martha said finally. "You guys go and find the prince, and I'll stay with Sara."

"Are you sure about that, Martha?" Oliver asked, worriedly. "After all, you might be stuck here for a while." She shrugged, a small smile forming.

"Hey, I'll have my good friend Sara to keep me company, won't I?" She joked, and Sara looked up at that.

"I'm your friend?" She asked in a soft voice. "I've never really had one of those. And you'll stay with me?" A smile came upon Sara's own face, and she embraced Martha, who shivered. Who knew ghosts' touches were cold? "Thank you! Thank you! What is your name?"

"Martha, Martha Jones." Martha told her, glad she could make the girl so happy.

"We'll be back, Martha." Oliver told her, patting her shoulder as Sara let her go. "Don't worry. We're going to pick up the Doctor and Swaine, find the prince, and come back for you." Martha nodded.

"Thanks, Oliver. Be safe now, alright?" He nodded.

"We will." And he, Nichole, and Drippy left, hurrying off to where they left the men.

When they got there, they saw that the Doctor was now watching the spot where the stone would appear intently, Swaine snoring with his jacket covering his eyes. Of course he had fallen asleep on this crucial mission. Nichole leaned down and lifted the jacket from his eyes, laying down next to him. She went in close to his face as if she was about to kiss him... before biting his ear.

"YOW!!" he yelped, sitting up and scaring the Doctor, who fell back onto his behind. "What'd you do that for?" He asked Nichole crossly, rubbing his ear.

"I thought you liked it when I did that." She teased, winking.

"Stop that." The Doctor told them, before looking around, then to Oliver. "The Stone should be appearing soon. Where's Martha?" Oliver looked at the ground.

"We ran into a little bit of a problem." Oliver admitted, and the Doctor crossed his arms.

"What kind of problem?" Drippy jumped up.

"Well, you see here, mun, there's this ghost girl just down the way! We have ouer suspicions that she's the lass from the story that ole birdface told us, like! And she wants us to bring her the Stone so that she could find her princey fellow!"

"Of course, we can't do that." Nichole continued for him as she stood to her feet. "We need the Stone ourselves. She's trapped in a little time loop, something I'd expect you to know much about, Doctor. Her spirit is anyway. So, our plan is to find the prince in his grave and bring him to her so that it breaks the loop."

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