Chapter 4

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The Doctor and Martha trekked through the Golden Grove, Martha guiding him with the map that King Tom had given her. They were both okay, although they were slightly exhausted from running from the creatures in the forest. Even the Doctor, who ran all the time, was winded.
When they got out of the Golden Grove, they found themselves in a desert. The Doctor groaned and fell into the sand.
"How much farther to Castaway Cove?" He pleaded Martha, who sat down next to him.
"Just across this desert called the Shimmering Sands." The Doctor groaned again and lay back in the sand, just as a huge shadow passed over them. The Doctor stood up immediately.
"Doctor?" Martha looked at him, a bit nervous. The Doctor squinted up at the sky, and saw that the shadow was that dragon again!
"Blimey, it's that dragon again!" He told Martha. Martha jumped up and looked at the dragon.
"Doctor! King Tom told us that the rulers of Hamelin might be on a dragon!" The Doctor looked back at the dragon, then started to chase it down.
"Oi! Come down here! Help us!" He shouted. Martha began to shout too, and the dragon started coming down.
"Don't worry! I see you!" Called a rather youthful voice. "Just watch out! Tengri and I aren't the most expert of landers!" She wasn't wrong. They would have landed right on top of them, had the Doctor and Martha not moved. When they looked back, they watched as a girl, maybe about fifteen years old, with long black hair that reached down to her ankles, a plain dark purple dress, and purple flats. She also held a staff with a white stone on it.
She came up to the Doctor and Martha. "Are you Doctor and Martha Jones?"
"Just the Doctor, and this is Martha." The Doctor told her. Martha nodded.
"Yeah, we're not together." The girl chuckled, then held out her free hand.
"Nice to meet you. My name is Harmony." Martha raised her eyebrows as they shook her hand.
"Harmony? As in, Empress Harmony?" The girl nodded. "But you're so young! How old are you?" The girl sighed."I'm twenty two years old. I know, I'm short." The Doctor nodded.

Blimey! I thought you were maybe fourteen years old!" Harmony rolled her eyes.

"You're not the first. I once had to do a mission in which I was supposed to pretend to be a kid. They thought I was nine years old, thanks to my "friend"." She did air quotes when she said friend. The Doctor raised his eyebrows at that.

I take it that they are not actually your friend?" She shook her head, then clapped her hands together.
"Right then! Why don't I take you back to my palace? Then maybe I and my husband can help you." Then she climbed back onto the dragon and patted his back. "Come on, then! Unless you want to get to Hamelin by walking, this is the fastest way for non magic folk."
"Non magic folk?" The Doctor scoffed, climbing onto Tengri's back and helping Martha up. "Are there any magic folk of which I may ask?" Harmony nodded as they began to fly.
"Of course. There are wizards all over the place! My best friend's father, a friend of my mother's, my younger brother, his mother, even my husband and I are. Lots of people know magic." The Doctor raised an eyebrow.
"Really? If you know magic, then show me!" Harmony shook her head.
"Not while I'm flying. If I try to do magic in the air, something always goes wrong. That's how my brother in law once ended up bald." The Doctor crossed his arms, but Martha was very curious. This adventure was definitely different from any other!


Oliver and Swaine arrived in the Fairygrounds in the middle of a pandemonium.
"Look out!"
"Coming through!"
"Oi, watch it mun!" They exchanged glances, then ran in to see what was wrong. When they got in, they saw a crazy Captain Whambat flying around, with Smiley 'n Surly chasing it.
"Hammy! Come back here, mun!" Smiley called.
"If we don't get him back, Mam'll have ouer heads!" Surly told him. Oliver ran over to them.
"Smiley! Surly! What's going on?" The two fairies looked up at him.
"It's our Ave Messenger, Hammy, mun! He got out of his hutch, and we can't get him back in!" Smiley told him.
"Help us out, would you, mun?" Surly asked. Oliver and Swaine nodded.
"Of course we'll help you!" Oliver told them. Then they continued the chase!
Hammy was quite possibly the quickest Captain Whambat that Oliver had ever seen, though. And the most agile. He went here, there, everywhere. You need five sets of eyes to watch him! At one point, he came up and stuck his tongue out at Swaine, who jumped onto him and grabbed him, but Hammy dragged Swaine around with him!
"Heeelp!" Swaine called, holding onto Hammy for dear life.
"Frostbite!" Oliver shouted, and froze the Captain Whambat in place, along with Swaine's upper body and hair. Swaine groaned as Oliver, Smiley, and Surly came over.
"Why is it always me?" he muttered. Oliver had to hold back laughter as he helped Swaine up, while holding onto the frozen Hammy.
"Hang on, Swaine! Let's get Hammy back to where he supposed to be, then I'll Fireball you out of there!" Swaine gave Oliver a look.
"You'd better not set me on fire if you're going to do that!" He told him. He was half joking, but Oliver knew better.
They took Hammy to a little hut by the Fairy Godmother, and got Swaine out with minimal burning. After they did that, Oliver asked Smiley 'n Surly if they knew where Drippy was.
"Drippy-boy?" Smiley asked. "Why, he's at the Cavity Club, mun! Makin us look like amateurs, he is!" Surly nodded.
"Too right, mun! It's a good thing he taught us some of his tricks, or else we'd be out of the comedy business!" Oliver and Swaine thanked him, then they ran to the Cavity Club, where they saw Drippy on the stage, just finishing up.
"Thank you, mates! You've all been a good crowd! Although, I don't think Sappy laughed hard enough, he didn't!" They all laughed again, the one he was referring to, Sappy, falling over laughing.
"Mr. Drippy!" Oliver called. When Drippy saw him, his eyes lit up like his lantern.
"Aye, Ollie-boy!" He called, jumping off the stage and running over to him. "Never thought I'd see you again, mun! Thought you'd forgot about us, I had!" Oliver shook his head.
"No way, Mr. Drippy! The Gateway spell wasn't working for some reason!" Drippy gave him a strange look.
"That's proper weird, mun. Still, proper tidy that youer here! I might've missed you a bit." Oliver laughed and gave Drippy a hug. It was good to be back!


"Pitiful fools." The Black Sorceress scoffed, watching Oliver in her crystal ball. "They do not even understand the impediment danger that they are in, now that I have the time travelling box." Cassiopeia glared at her from where she sat in the small cage.
"Oliver will stop you. He didn't know about me for the longest time, and he saved me." The Black Sorceress looked at her, as if bored.
"You, are weak. You were consumed with despair. I, however, am filled with true power. Power that not even he who destroyed Senkrad could not hope to defeat."

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