hey kids~~

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hello children, it is me, the author. i actually deleted wattpad for a really long time because i never used it, and i've still been getting a lot of emails abt this book in particular. a lot of people have been asking if i'll ever update it again, and sadly, i can't say the answer is yes.
to begin with, i've never been super into fan fiction and frankly i was surprised people even liked it. i started this book because i liked hamilton, not because i liked writing fan fiction. i am so happy that people enjoyed it, and it breaks my heart to finally say i'll never finish it, even though i'm sure everyone has already moved on and found other books that are most likely objectively better.
this announcement is very late. i meant to do it about 6 months ago. so i have no clue what was supposed to happen in the rest of the book. i apologize for that, although i'm sure it wasn't such a grand plan anyways. if anyone would like the draft of chapter 12 (?? 11??), maybe i'll publish that too.

thank you all for all the support!! it really did make me feel a lot better about myself and my abilities, however, i think i'm going to stop using wattpad. i may post a poem now and again but this book is most likely over forever. i'm very sorry to anyone who actually managed to enjoy it. again, thank all of you. big love <3

— Anna

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2018 ⏰

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