Chapter One:

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I was falling.


So, so very fast.

There was the wind- yes, and the lightning.

Oh God, the lightning.

Flashes of blinding light and the howls of an angry storm.

Everything was blurry, and everything was so damn gray. It was something out of my worst nightmares- spiraling uncontrollably downwards in free fall. It was all a blur to me, and a strangled scream of panic erupted from my throat in a frenzy. What the hell was happening?

I was losing control.

I was losing my mind.

I was going down.




I woke up with a strangled gasp.





I swallowed thickly.

What the hell was that?

As my heart beat finally slowed to a manageable level, and my breaths returned to their normal pacing, my eyes slowly adjusted to the present. Goddamn it, not again.


It compassed the room I was in with its melancholy embrace, and choked the air with a certain kind of eeriness that resided in the natural fear of the dark. I blinked wearily, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes with a tired motion. I groaned as a chilly draft of winter wind blew over the covers.

God, it was so lonely.

And cold.

Damn it.

I gripped the lukewarm comforters of my bed, and gritted my teeth.

Damn it.

I hated nightmares like that.

Free falling from a million miles up towards a nasty ending with bile and terror catching in the throat was a horrible way to wake up, and yet, it was a reoccurring dream I had woken up to many, many times before. Needless to say, I didn't like it one bit.


A voice called out.

"You're gonna be late to school!"

I groaned.


Heaving out another sigh of reluctance, I turned my gaze away from my hands towards the window. It was slightly cracked open, as I usually didn't mind a little bit of a cool draft in the mornings to help me on my way. However, today, the air was anything but kind.

I couldn't help the chattering in my teeth as I slammed the window down with a resounding thump, and gazed into the world outside.


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